Clover Question


Senior Member
I have some clover plots that have been fertlized with 0-20-20 now with all the rain have begun to be overgrown with crab grass.Should I mow it,or spray it with some type of weed killer???Any advice GDW or ER or any one?? Thanks Smitty


Senior Member
I don't know where the clover plot is ; but we are very near to a killing frost which will take care of it for you.


Senior Member
clover plot

Ga-Spur I'm down in Thomaston,it was'nt so bad till the last few weeks and it really came up.The turkeys really like it though,its amazing to watch them grab a stem and strip the seeds off.A big flock worked it over real good last week.It s higher than the clover so it looks bad to me,the other plots are great and growing up ready for the deer once the acorns and green browse are gone. Thanks Smitty


Senior Member

Thanks T-Hunter.I'll try to mow this week if it drys out from the last rain.