Toms are strutting...


Senior Member
This camera is set on a buck scrape but has been getting a flock of hens most days for several weeks. Friday the toms showed up for the first time. Hope they are still here in March!



Senior Member
I appreciate it, but really didn't need to see that. As if I didn't have it bad enough, this may be more than I can handle! Just picking CHS, that's great footage and fires me up! come on March!

Mark K

Will the Mods please remove this until March 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If there was a stand there, that's where I'd sit the rest of the season just to watch the turkeys!


Senior Member
There IS a stand there and I sat in it a couple of weeks ago and watched 36 turkeys feeding in that plot.


Them boys are showing em who's boss.

blood on the ground

Cross threading is better than two lock washers.
i down on the hooch in heard co last saturday and you would have thought it was april with all the gobblin going on.