

Senior Member
I wondered if corn and clover might compliment each other. Shade for the clover and nitrogen for the corn. I overseeded lots of corn into the thick, lush clover. I expected that 75% would not make it. About a stalk every four square foot made it. But it only reached about 4ft tall with puny ears. So, I consider the experiment a failure. In trying to allow it plenty of time to grow, instead of weed wiping to kill the weeds, I now have more weeds than I have ever allowed before. I think I will ride it out until spring at this point. The standing corn will keep it from looking like a ballfield and maybe more deer will feel comfortable crossing it. I might take some pics for Mr. Woody this weekend. The corn is worthless but it looks cool


Senior Member
Lots of people seem to think since legumes like clover can pull nitrogen out of the air and use it that they can plant companion plants with it without fertilizing them. The legume actually affixes nodules to its roots to store the nitrogen, then uses it as it needs it. If the companion plant doesn't grow a root directly into one of the nodules it will never get any of the nitrogen. Another reason your experiment failed is lack of rain, corn needs lots of water.