

Senior Member
Ok, this may have came up before, but I have been thinking lately how many people bring up Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

So I was wondering if you celebrate (non-governmental) holidays as the 'world' does?
New Years?
Valentines Day?
St. Patricks Day?

Do you keep other holidays (besides the sabbath) like passover, feasts, etc...

I would love to hear how your family celebrates these occasions.


Senior Member
Ok, this may have came up before, but I have been thinking lately how many people bring up Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

So I was wondering if you celebrate (non-governmental) holidays as the 'world' does?
New Years?
Valentines Day?
St. Patricks Day?

Do you keep other holidays (besides the sabbath) like passover, feasts, etc...

I would love to hear how your family celebrates these occasions.



It is kinda early for the "Satan" clause <------misspelled intentionally debate


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Must be bored!


Senior Member
Yes we do on some of them.

The again I do some other things the world does also.

Have several bank accounts
Have a 401K
Have an IRA
Go to amusement parks (when I can afford them:banginghe)
Shop at grocery stores
Wear store bought clothes
Drive pick up trucks (3:D)
Listen to music on an Ipod
Worship God in a "Chruch" Building

I guess I could go on and on and on, but that would probably make me a smart donkey

When I read the verse I believe it is talking about our need not to let our lives or our outlook to be conformed by the things of this world (Sin), but to keep our eyes on Christ when dealing with spiritual matters. To keep ourselves from falling into sin, and to live lives that are in line with our Faith in Christ.

Now that said, If anything gets in the way of your Following Christ daily or becomes an object of worship then I think you need to seriously examine where you are at.

Just some thoughts, Got to run, I will let it stir around in the gray matter some more and log on tonight.

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
Santa is the devil???

Mama said foosball was the devil???


Senior Member
I do not celebrate any holiday like a non-believer, especially Christmas. However, I do celebrate them.

We are to be in the world, but not of it.


Ok, this may have came up before, but I have been thinking lately how many people bring up Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

So I was wondering if you celebrate (non-governmental) holidays as the 'world' does?
New Years?
Valentines Day?
St. Patricks Day?

Do you keep other holidays (besides the sabbath) like passover, feasts, etc...

I would love to hear how your family celebrates these occasions.

we love all of the Christian holy days like Easter and Christmas, especially...

dont celebrate the Jewish holy days.


Senior Member
I keep all Biblical Jewish Holidays as Jesus and the apostles did also.


Is it too earlY for me to get cranked up on all those false christian holidays ?. I get such a charge out of it !!!!!! And we have new members to be broken in . LOL


Senior Member
I worked for two companies owned by Jews and they took every Jewish Holiday and ever Christian Holiday. The town I grew up in had a large Jewish population and I have at least a couple of dozen Jewish friends and each and every one celebrated Christmas as hot and heavy as I did, they just did not put up any tacky looking Nativity Scenes.

And I was over at their house for many of their Holidays. Some of the Jewish Holidays if done right simply rock and man if you want some good times and great food, go to a nice rich Jewish wedding or particularity Bar or Bat Mitzvah - man I never missed one of those.

Thirty minutes of listening to Hebrew then it is party down time.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
Ok, this may have came up before, but I have been thinking lately how many people bring up Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"

So I was wondering if you celebrate (non-governmental) holidays as the 'world' does?
New Years?
Valentines Day?
St. Patricks Day?

Do you keep other holidays (besides the sabbath) like passover, feasts, etc...

I would love to hear how your family celebrates these occasions.

No but we were thinking about celebrating Kwanzaa this year.

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
So I was wondering if you celebrate (non-governmental) holidays as the 'world' does?

New Years? NO, used to a long time ago... It is just another day...
Easter? NO, we celebrate Christ's resurrection instead.
Valentines Day? NO! Everyone can show the people we care about that we Love them all year long... not just one day...
St. Patricks Day? NO!
Halloween? NO!
Thanksgiving? YES, but we always give "Thanks" everyday, multiple times during the day.
Christmas? Not like most people, we celebrate Christ's birth instead, it is not centered on giving and receiving gifts.
Hanukkah? NO.
Kwanzaa? NO.

Answers in red...



Senior Member
After seeing DB BB's answer I feel compelled to answer myself now.

New Years? Yes. Always nice to gather with family and friends to celebrate the old year and bring in the new.

Easter? No. Though I am sure Earl will disagree, I see this as a purely Christian holiday.

Valentines Day? Yes. Though, this is more a holiday for my wife than for me.

St. Patricks Day? I try to wear green that day if I can remember. I don't like getting pinched. ;)

Halloween? Yes. I used to go to parties with friends on Halloween, but now Halloween is all about the kid.

Thanksgiving? Yes. Always nice to spend time with the family and express our gratitude to the people who bring our lives joy.

Christmas? Yes. Hard to avoid if you have children. The societal pressure to celebrate this holiday is quite heavy. It's also become a more secular holiday. Much to the chagrin of many in this forum.

Hanukkah? No. I see this as a purely Jewish religious holiday.

Kwanzaa? No. This holiday is meant to be racially exclusive, and I'm not the right race.