we lost a good guy today, R.I.P. Josh Lesniak


Senior Member
Sad to post, one of our own lost his son today. Dave Lesniak goes by arrow2 on here, more well known as Coweta County Gator Getter (www.CCGATORGETTERS.com)

Dave lost his son Josh today. Josh is 25ish and was vacationing in Crested Butte, Colorado with 2 friends riding snowmobiles through the beautiful Rocky Mountains. They were riding marked trails and stopped for a break. While resting they heard an avalanche break loose above them and they jumped on their sleds and took off. The slide caught up with Josh and took him under, his friends narrowly escaped. Once the slide stopped they went back and dug Josh out but it was too late, they could not revive him. Later a rescue team determined that Josh was buried under 21 feet of snow.

Dave lives here in Sharpsburg and Josh lived in Wisconsin. Here is a picture of Josh with an 11 foot gator he took with his dad this year on Seminole.

Please keep Dave and Josh's family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

Rest in Peace and Love

josh lesniak.jpg


Deranged Throat-Puncher
Sad to hear, prayers sent.


Senior Member
Praying,God please watch over this family in this hard time,love them and show them your grace.


Senior Member
Prayers sent


Staff member
Hate to hear it.


Senior Member
You never know the day or time. Prayers sent.


Senior Member
Praying for them


Senior Member
Very sad news.