Video of the 11 point bruiser i'm after!!


Senior Member
I'm starting to wonder if he's only a 4.5 yoa deer based on body. Could be 5.5 but just doesn't have that big sway and the brisket isn't hudge


Senior Member
Did this buck just show for you in November? Or you been watching him for a while?

The reason I ask...if he just showed up on those first pics you posted with the camera too close, your window for killing him has a countdown. I don't know when it is but he will revert back to wherever he came from once the does in that area are done. You could get pictures every day of him and then one day he vanishes never to be seen again...until next season that is.

If you had him earlier in the season, or even in velvet, you have a good idea already of where he will be come later in December.

If you can chase him this week, aggressive calling could get his butt killed if he has already made his presence felt and dominates the woods he is in.


Senior Member
I just got permission to hunt this spot two weeks ago and put out my trail camera and that's what I got. Lots of big rubs in the area along with a couple 8,9 that would score 110-115. So I really don't know but some of the rubs are on trees the width of my boots. Size 12.
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You should have been out there that day!!! he would have been DRT! good luck though, i have to agree. mid 160's low 170's


Senior Member
Awesome!! Good luck!


Senior Member
Dude that is a stud... easy 160 class! One of the prettiest deer I've ever seen. Hope you get him


That's a monster man, what model camera is that? I run moultrie d555i and love em because of the no glow video and microphone. Quality isn't bad but it's not as good as that.


Senior Member
You ever see him or anymore pics?