Snake bite


Senior Member
A Garmin Alpha 100 system or other similar dog training unit and a harmless water snake can be used for snake aversion training.

Benadryl helps minimize reactions to venomous snake bites in dogs. Get collar off immediately.



Senior Member
Bud used a diamondback and a cottonmouth because he says each venomous snake has a distinct smell. I don't know. One of my dogs is scared of box turtles now and one grabs a moccasin and bites it in half when she gets a chance. Best thing that ever worked for me was a dead rattler and a bullwhip. All dogs are different but whatever you use be sure to love the dog up real good when it runs back to you.


Classic Southern Gentleman
Bud Calderwood did his farewell clinic last weekend here in Savannah. I posted news of his clinic in January and kept it up near the top of the Upland Birds forum since then with updates. Sorry you didn't see it. I understand someone in the Columbus area may be doing them. At the last clinic on May 6th, Bud used a huge EDB, a fiesty cottomouth and a small copperhead. Most dogs couldn't detect the copperhead, most likely because of size. Nic, that must have been tough losing the pup to a snake. There's an old myth that a coral can only bite a person between the fingers, etc. As you've noted before, a coral can open up the jaws wide and bite anywhere they please. After seeing hundreds of dogs go through Bud's clinic over the past five years, my observation is that the dogs that I saw, all approached the snakes out of curiosity and not aggression, nose down, sniffing. That explains a lot of head strikes. A friend had a English Cocker that would find and retrieve box turtles. One day, he brought in 16. Two years ago he was killed by a canebrake near his owner's weekend house on the river.
I keep Benedryl in my truck just in case. A 40 lb. dog can safely handle two 25 mg pills or capsules. Gil


Senior Member
Well thanks to my wife,he is doing better,Benadryl,penicillin and soaking his foot in Epson salt he is doing great,won't take him back to the woods until he is fully healed,much to his dislike.