Pre-emergent help


Senior Member
I'm getting ready to start getting my dove field ready to plant. Right now I have a decent green-up of grass and soft tissue weeds. I am planning on spraying treflan before planting to help control the weeds through the growing season.

Here's my question: Do I go ahead and spray the field now with a round-up/2-4-D mix and give it two weeks and then harrow again, wait a week, then spray treflan and harrow/drag level?
Do I harrow my first time now, then spray treflan and then harrow in/level and get ready to plant?


Senior Member
Spray your round up mixture, wait one or two weeks and harrow under the dead debris, then spray the Treflan and immediately harrow again to incorporate the Treflan and then plant ASAP for best results.

Forest Grump

Senior Member
What are you planting & what weeds do you have?


Senior Member
Planting sunflowers. I have a mix of grass(es) and the red looking weeds. Not sure on the technical names of them all. I know last year, later in the growth season, I had morning glory take over part of my sunflowers.