***LCA 3D April 11th scores***

LCA Crew

Senior Member
April 11th LCA 3D scores.

***Known Open***
Jonathan Clark - 110/6 (1st after shootOff)
Alex Grizzle - 110/6
David Emig - 108
Hunter Queen - 104/4
Smack - 104/4
Mike - 104/4
Tad Bussey - 103/5
Jason Goldman - 102/3
Garrett Stephens - 102/1
Jamey Foster - 101/4
Eric Thermond - 100
Leon Pittman - 99/3
Wes Warwick - 99/3
Ruben Shuler - 96
Tanner Foster - 95/3
Woody - 95/2
Andy Rouse 93/2
Melvin Atha - 90/3
Johnny Lennox - 87
**No scores**
Shane Ledford
Bill Ledford
James Reeves

***Women’s Known***
Megan Emig -72

Chuck Bussey - 100/2
Melvin Atha - 90/3

Thank to all who came out and shot last night. It was a beautiful evening and we hope you had a great time. We’ll be back next week starting between 5 and 5:30p.m. on April 18th. Be safe everyone and thank you again!
