Kratom coming to a neighborhood near you


Do you think it is bad?

Like a lot of things depends on how it is used.

I love bacon.

But only eating pounds of bacon for every meal is not a good thing.

Kratom appears to have beneficial use, but the gvmt is stirring to get involved and will mess things up.


The Great and Powerful Oz
Like a lot of things depends on how it is used.

I love bacon.

But only eating pounds of bacon for every meal is not a good thing.

Kratom appears to have beneficial use, but the gvmt is stirring to get involved and will mess things up.

If you haven't tried it, you are aren't speaking from experience, only what you've read.
It will be considered BAD until the .gov finds a way to make a dollar off of it (FDA aprroval).
This is the last I'll speak in this subject.


Senior Member
Never tried it, probably never will but here are some of the possible side effects.

"Common minor side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and constipation.[3] More severe side effects may include seizure, addiction, and psychosis.[3][8][9][10] Other side effects may include high heart rate and blood pressure, trouble sleeping, and, rarely, liver toxicity.[3][10][11] When use is stopped, withdrawal may occur.[6][7] Respiratory depression (decreased breathing) is a major risk with all opioids;[12]:196 the medical literature is divided on whether it is a significant side effect of kratom, with some authorities not mentioning it[8][11] and others emphasizing it.[9][13] Deaths have occurred when kratom was present, mixed with other substances.[6][7] In the United States, there were fifteen kratom-related deaths between 2014 and 2016,[14] although, in none was kratom thought to be the sole factor.[7]"


I've been reading up on this stuff and it sounds too good to be true. People are saying it has allowed them to break away from opioids and actually alleviates pain instead of masking it. People who have been on copious amounts of OxyContin and other stuff went to Kratom after trying Methadone and the other drugs to fight addiction and it has allowed many to get off all drugs, including Kratom itself. I'm going to see what happens when a relative tries it and reserve judgement until then.


Senior Member
Pain is a difficult process to wrap your brain around. In many cases I am included in that group. Pain is caused when certain chemicals are released by the body in response to an incident- say a fractured arm. These chemicals are attached to certain brain cells, and the sensation is interpreted as "pain."

Pain receptors have certain chemicals that they like better than the chemicals that we interpret as pain. It's kind of like saying that I like chocolate pudding better than beef liver. Given the choice between the two, I will always choose pudding. Brain receptors that cause "pain" like the chemicals that certain substances are made of i.e narcotic pain relievers much more than those that cause pain. Given that those cells have just a certain amount of binding sites, they will always choose to bind a substance that causes a feeling of joy over binding substance that cause "pain."

The only way to "alleviate" pain is for the body to heal itself and stop producing the pain causing chemicals. Sometimes, this may never completely happen from an injury. Otherwise, all we can do is to "mask" the pain by taking substances that the receptors like better. Receptors that cause the pain response can only attach so many substances, whether they be chemicals that cause pain or substances that come from kratom, morphine, hydromorphone, etc.


I've been reading up on this stuff and it sounds too good to be true. People are saying it has allowed them to break away from opioids and actually alleviates pain instead of masking it. People who have been on copious amounts of OxyContin and other stuff went to Kratom after trying Methadone and the other drugs to fight addiction and it has allowed many to get off all drugs, including Kratom itself. I'm going to see what happens when a relative tries it and reserve judgement until then.

ive seen this first hand with a good friend. he drinks about 4+6 mugs full a day, ads a little lemon. he's been rx,drug, alch and mostly pain free for 5 yrs now.


I just saw today where the FDA has made it a schedule 1 controlled substance. They cited the fact that 43 people have died from Kratom, but they failed to mention that almost all had numerous other drugs in their system. Correction, they are still trying to get it banned, but import is banned so it's coming. I saw a statement that Kratom is not a proper way to fight opioid addiction and that methadone, subutex and other meds are the proper way. 14,000 people died from methadone overdoes in 2014 alone and numbers are still rising.


Senior Member
I wouldn't doubt it has some benefits, but I believe I'll pass. Thankful I don't need anything like that.


I wouldn't doubt it has some benefits, but I believe I'll pass. Thankful I don't need anything like that.

It's impending illegalization is another sign that big pharma is pulling the strings of the FDA. They tout methadone as a valid treatment when it kill 14,000 plus a year then move to ban an herb that has 43 deaths linked to it over a few years, where other legal drugs were present and probably lead to most of the death. At this point I don't need it either, but it has probably saved more lives than it cost by a huge margin.