Whos phone number??



Whos phone number is 1-800-441-2121???? These clowns call me all day and after 9pm and hang up. I've tried tracking the number without any luck. If anyone knows how to find out the business name, please post it for me so I can get to the bottom of this. I am not late on bills and owe no money to creditors so I know it must be a telemarketer. I'm on the national do not call list as well. SOmeone please help me find these idiots:banginghe


7 phone calls today alone:shoot: I tried the link above and could not find any info about it. Someone across the creek said it might be a random telemarketer....I have got to find out who these people are:mad:


You can go to www.switchboard.com and do a reverse search, isn't the national no call list great?!:mad:

Phone Number*

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Senior Member
phone serv

ofd2truck, what phone company do you have your service through? let me know if its Bellsouth (the new ATT) ive got a number for you to call to take care of that problem for you.


ofd2truck, what phone company do you have your service through? let me know if its Bellsouth (the new ATT) ive got a number for you to call to take care of that problem for you.



Outdoor Cafe Moderator
I got a doosey this morning , Phone rings , caller ID says "out of area " I answer and hear " Please hold for the calling party " :crazy: Click !!

I turned this bar in Greenville SC that kept sending me text messages to the do not call list , on line , They sent back a message that they don't punish the callers they just keep them on a list :rolleyes: Tax dollars at work :rolleyes:

Burl E.

Senior Member
I've been getting some strange calls from area codes 916, 512, and 818 on my cell. When I did a search it comes back with no info available. Is there another way to find out who these #'s belong to without paying.