How does land leasing and a hunting club work?


Senior Member
I was looking at F&W Forestry where you can lease land. There were various prices.

One of them I saw was $492. Then the FAQ was talking about naming my Hunting Club. Further it said no commercial activities.

I was just curious how owning a hunting club works. Do you pay that lease price a month for the season? Can you get people to pay you to join your "hunting club"?

Here is an example property. I am in no way connected to this company. I only thought it was interesting.

Thanks for help.


Senior Member
I would guess that to be the cost until the lease expires next summer. Looks like about about $600 for the year. I'd imaging they'd want the total at signing, and it's yours until the lease year ends. Wouldn't imagine they would want to deal with monthly payments.

If it's just you, tell them you'll tAke it, and pay the money. If it looks promising.

You will be the hunt club. Its not like you own anything. You're renting land on a yearly basis. If you wanted to get a friend in, you could do that, probably.

By what you said, you can do personal hunting, but not run a hunting business there. Like guiding play clients.

Having your own place is nice. Good luck.


Senior Member
i'd say, read the lease. if you can hunt there, the answer is probably yes, but you should check.

and by shooting, i'd assume you don't mean run a range. the occasional sighting, and the like. consideration for neighbors would probably be appreciated.

(if you were going to just go shooting, capping off 00's of rounds, and were out there every day during hunting season.... you'll probably have neighbors to consider)

Can you target practice? I mean if I'm the only one using it, what does it matter?


Senior Member
Even if they are 50 acres away? No. Not run a range. Just me sometimes, but on that day I'd shoot a decent amount. Ammo cost so much I doubt I could shoot *that* much. Bow too.

Maybe I'd just hike it. The whole leasing thing interests me.


Senior Member
If you are going to hunt that size property, you may want to pop off rounds elsewhere. Deer don't like a combat zone.
i'd say, read the lease. if you can hunt there, the answer is probably yes, but you should check.

and by shooting, i'd assume you don't mean run a range. the occasional sighting, and the like. consideration for neighbors would probably be appreciated.

(if you were going to just go shooting, capping off 00's of rounds, and were out there every day during hunting season.... you'll probably have neighbors to consider)

You can do what you want just don't kill the trees.