Are Muslims who do not...


Of the hard cast variety
A person with your mental capacity shouldn't need this explained.... Here goes: if you don't believe in (a) God or (any) gods, then how does the equation "Allah = God" come from your thought process? There is no God, right? Yes, I get your point, that from a biblical view, the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian God are one in the same. Doesn't it seem a bit trivial, on your part, to use God's existence to prove his non-existence? At very least, almost hypocritical?

Am I wrong? Is Allah also God or not?

It does not come from my thought process. It comes from knowledge of religious beliefs that I have studied. I do not have to believe what I am reading in order to discuss it.
No different than when you read your children fairy tales. Are you a hypocrite if you discuss the characters later?

There are lots of things that I don't believe in but can hold a conversation about.
In this case we have a guy thinking that Allah and God are two totally different entities. Going by what I have studied, learned and discussed over the years, I am trying to clear things up a bit for him.
I have noticed that most non-believers seem to have more knowledge about religion(s) than most believers. Possibly because they take the time to study the history of one or more religions.

I don't know why having me give a correct answer in here somehow offends you or concerns you. Bottom line is don't worry about WHO is giving answers, just worry whether or not the info is correct. If the three religions, Islam,Judaism and Christianity do not worship the God of Abraham let me know. If your only concern is me being involved in the discussion then get over it. I am able to hold my own regarding religion, regardless of what I believe.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
Am I wrong? Is Allah also God or not?

It does not come from my thought process. It comes from knowledge of religious beliefs that I have studied. I do not have to believe what I am reading in order to discuss it.
No different than when you read your children fairy tales. Are you a hypocrite if you discuss the characters later?

There are lots of things that I don't believe in but can hold a conversation about.
In this case we have a guy thinking that Allah and God are two totally different entities. Going by what I have studied, learned and discussed over the years, I am trying to clear things up a bit for him.
I have noticed that most non-believers seem to have more knowledge about religion(s) than most believers. Possibly because they take the time to study the history of one or more religions.

I don't know why having me give a correct answer in here somehow offends you or concerns you. Bottom line is don't worry about WHO is giving answers, just worry whether or not the info is correct. If the three religions, Islam,Judaism and Christianity do not worship the God of Abraham let me know. If your only concern is me being involved in the discussion then get over it. I am able to hold my own regarding religion, regardless of what I believe.
Allah is the god (little 'g') of the Quran. He is known by 98 other names in the Quran (google it, it's not worth my time nor relevant to the discussion) One of the names he is never called in the Quran is "Father" and you will never see Jesus referred to as the Son of God (big 'G') in the Quran. To do so would be blasphemy and subject you to severe punishment. Allah is also not a gracious god. You will find in the Quran that Allah will not die for you, nor will he send anyone else to do so. Plus a multitude of other lies about Jesus.

Inversely, Yahweh is the God (big 'G') of Christianity and the Bible, and is many things that Allah could never be, including a Father and Gracious. God / Yahweh is the only God to send his Son to die for you.


Of the hard cast variety
Allah is the god (little 'g') of the Quran. He is known by 98 other names in the Quran (google it, it's not worth my time nor relevant to the discussion) One of the names he is never called in the Quran is "Father" and you will never see Jesus referred to as the Son of God (big 'G') in the Quran. To do so would be blasphemy and subject you to severe punishment. Allah is also not a gracious god. You will find in the Quran that Allah will not die for you, nor will he send anyone else to do so. Plus a multitude of other lies about Jesus.

Inversely, Yahweh is the God (big 'G') of Christianity and the Bible, and is many things that Allah could never be, including a Father and Gracious. God / Yahweh is the only God to send his Son to die for you.

Like I said before:
"Muslims,Jews,Christians all start with worshiping the God of Abraham. The twists in the stories made after that God are what separate the three."


Senior Member
LOL!! That is true Earl... but I like the claim Jesus makes concerning what a christian is.

Wait a minute - how could Jesus say anything about what a Christian believes if the religion wasn't invented until after he died and was resurrected? :mad:

He would have to come back now and then to monitor how the religion is going and keep the members on the right track.

Every good leader makes sure his orders are being followed.


Senior Member
Allah is the god (little 'g') of the Quran.


Inversely, Yahweh is the God (big 'G') of Christianity and the Bible, and is many things that Allah could never be

You are confusing language with religion. Allah is just the Arabic word God. Christian Arabs refer to the God of the Bible and purported Father of Jesus as "Allah".

And the Bible is a holy book for Islam, so the Muslim Allah is also the "God" of the Bible.


Another non sensible Gibberish.
It is not about disagreeing within the same faith as there are several Muslim faiths, but they all subscribe to Sharia.
All Christians subscribe to the New Testament even if they make a mockery and misunderstand what they are reading.

It was a 'nonsensible' statement, but, in Islam, there are 73 different sects, but Muhammad said that only one sect is the 'real' Islam......BUT, he failed to say WHICH sect was the one real sect. Shias say Sunnis are not 'real' Muslims ans vice versa, except when they are doing a head count to try to impress everyone with their numbers, and conveniently, they will THEN say all Muslims are the 'real' Islam. Sunni Muslims follow the hadiths, putting them almost on the same par as the Quran, that is if they are considered sahih(authentic), yet even then, they will argue about which ones are and are not authentic, based on expedience when it boils down to it, although they will claim there is a precise 'science' to determining their authenticity. For example, Bukhari is considered the most authentic narrations, but when you quote book 60, about the initial collection of the Quran after Muhammad's death, due to the heavy losses of 450 qurras(reciters) killed at the battle of Yamama, who took with them, to their graves, portions of the Quran known only to themselves, which is why Abu Bakr and Umar who later became caliphates numbers 1 & 2, were prompted to gather what remained of the Quran , before even more was lost. Thus hadith destroys their claim of a perfect and unaltered book, so although they will tell you that Bukhari is the most authentic hadiths, suddenly this one gets questioned as to its reliability...why...because it is not supportive of their beliefs, not because it has no historical authenticity. Issues like this is why Shias reject the hadiths altogether. Muslims have been infighting since Islam's inception over this issue, as well as who should succeed Muhammad(as caliph) after he died, and by infighting, it goes a little further than the assembly of councils or denominational has involved all out wars with literally millions of deaths, with as many as 11 million since 1948 alone. Most of you will remember the Iran/Iraq war, and Sadaam Hussein's 35 year reign of terror in Iraq, where he as a Sunni, oppressed any and all other sects, involving many deaths, with as many as 5,000 Kurds having been massacred with experimental chemical weapons in one attack.

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