What do ya'll know about Holly trees?


Senior Member
I got a bunch of them on my property and I'm about to cut 'em down. Are they good for anything? If I cut them off at ground level are they going to try and come back from the stump?


Senior Member
They will come back viciously from the stump. I pulled some up with a tractor, and just left pieces of root, and they came back.

It's a very fine grained wood, and popular with woodworkers and turners if it has any size. Very stable so that people who do that kind of stuff use it for inlay, but like a lot things these days, plastic has moved in.


Are they wild Holly or ones that you've planted? I might buy a bunch of you're willing to dig them. If not just hack and squirt with straight RM43 and cut in a few weeks. Problem solved


The birds love em 'don't cut them down, I would take them in a minute if I could get them,,,,