Why do geese fly at night?

big A 235

Senior Member
All geese fly at night they have learned that the cool night air is better to fly in and they don't get shot at.


Senior Member
Cause they are afraid of the daylight.


to get to the other side?........i dont get it.... why?


Senior Member
full moon in ark geese fly all night....and are proud of it..hooonkk hooonkk hooonkk.....


Senior Member
I love to hear them at night... hooonk, hooonk, hooonk just don't look up if they fly straight over it might get dangerous! :)


Heard some, too, it was really bright last night. I don't think they need to be able to see real well to navigate.


Senior Member
Ducks and geese prefer undisturbed air -- night air. At nighttime, the air remains relatively stable with lighter winds and less dramatic pressure and temperature gradients. In the protection of night, ducks and geese navigate toward their destinations, safe from the predation of hawks and eagles. The cooler air also keeps their body temperature down, allowing them to continue flying while burning less fat than they would during the daytime.""


Senior Member
Ok I cheated I googled the answer :cry::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Mark Brooks

Senior Member
A lot easier to take down US Air Airlines at night. Those nasty suckers attacked last during the day and now they need to cloak of darkness to carry out their Jhad against the US!!!:hair: