Is this a Beauty Berry?


Staff member
Looks like.

swamp hunter

Senior Member
Have a bunch on a main deer trail. They walk by all the time going to the bedding area 100 yards away. I never seen them stop and eat it but they been feeding all night and are most likey just wanting to lay down in the shade...


Senior Member
Do deer eat the leaves, or the actual berries? I've got a few patches of them I thought about fertilizing.

Full Draw McGraw

Senior Member
Based on what i've seen they eat both the leaves and berries but not until late in the season. I've had good success hunting around beauty berry bushes in early December.


Senior Member
We get a good bit of browse on it on our place in late august-early september when other browse has matured out and is getting tough and less palatable. Once acorns start dropping it tapers off.


Senior Member
I don't think they are a preferred browse of much on anything. Even the birds don't eat them until very late winter. I have never seen much deer damage to the plants.

Mark K

Extremely high in protirn. I’ve watched them (bucks and does) enter a thicket of them and spend up to 45 minutes in .25ac patch. Early season is best, after they lose their value they start hitting other food sources. This is SW Georgia though, not sure about the rest of the state.