Evolved mega plot seed?


Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
"A grain based mix of Oats and Triticale Forage, the best Forage Turnips and Forage Clovers. By combining the most advanced forages, MegaPlot creates an annual food plot that is unequaled by other grain-based wild game mixes. This hybrid forage grain based mix, a better alternative to wheat and oats, provides a palatable high protein forage that continues to produce throughout the season."

I haven't ....... but my home made mixes are similar. If you have just one or 2 small plots to plant it should be ok. The only negative to it (IMHO) is that it is a mix of large seeds and small seeds like clover and turnips. I like to spread the large seeds, then cover & cultipack, then broadcast the small seeds and cultipack again.

In that mix, there's a chance that the small seeds would be planted too deep and would not germinate, so you would end up with a plot of oats & triticale ...... you wasted the extra money for the clover & turnips.

The oats & triticale (cross between wheat & rye) can be planted in a more acidic soil, but most clovers & brassica's prefer a ph closer to 6.5. If you haven't done a soil test and amended the soil, you might not get the kind of stand of clover & brassica's you hoped for either.