Fish Politic warning: Weakfish


Senior Member

SB 474 SECTION 10.
Said title is further amended by revising paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of Code Section 27-4-130.1, relating to open seasons, creel and possession limits, and minimum size limits for certain finfish species, as follows:
"(2) Weakfish All year 1- 13 inches"

anyone care to guess how many juveniles are in your average shrimp net ball when dropped on the deck?

hint: it's more than one.



I think his point is that commercial fishing kills way more than recreational catch does.........I'm just assuming that though.

Oh, and no more passing contraception out to deer! :rofl:

(a) As used in this article, the term 'fertility control' means any action that results in , contragestation, or sterilization or produces a temporary or permanent state of infertility


Senior Member
That's right Paul...recreational fishermen take the hit and the gang at CRD falls back to the most imaginative response they have...a law on the general population.



Senior Member
Does this creel and possession limit apply to the commercial fishermen?


Chris is talking about them as disgarded by-catch from shrimp boats.


Senior Member
I just recently went and caught some weak fish and was really into them when i was told by a captain (of another boat very near mine)that we had our limit of one per person. Then another captain on the other side of me said no its 6 per person still. Anyway this is gettin pretty crazy so between the three we had our 18 and stopped keeping them. When i read these regs between the state and th SAFMC it is tricky stuff. I am new to going out past the inlets so i will try to follow the laws and hope i don't get in any trouble. Oh and i also hope people have better things to do than count the fish I am catching unless they have a badge


I understand that does this apply to them?

Randy, it's bycatch. That means that the fish are killed and pushed over the side or they are taken to market as additional catch. I don't see anywhere in the new regs that it's going to go into effect for commercial net harvest, but all I read is what has been posted and a little more.