12/24 Dan Denton


Senior Member
Sitting here on pond 3 my brother drew it waiting on shooting light in the truck 13 outside and we’re gonna break ice shortly he came and scouted yesterday and said they were in here. All the groups showed up this am. We’ll be back 1/14 my son drew pond 1. Let y’all know how we do after while.


Senior Member
If you have a jerk rig I’d deploy it and keep it moving to help keep your hole open it’s going to freeze back up fast without some water movement.
good luck!!!
Your a brave group to be out this morning.


Senior Member
We did that could barley keep up w the ice. Saw maybe 30 birds killed a teal and wood duck. Not much shooting from pond 1 either more than us. Killed the only 2 birds that came in we’re loading up now ice messed us up pretty bad.


Senior Member
That’s two more than a skunking. That’s a win to me on a day like today.
How thick was the ice? Hopefully thick enough to move in big sections.
‘Merry Christmas


Senior Member
Pushing 1/2” in spots jerk string froze as I was working it. Brothers lab bout got hurt trying to make the retreives. Pond 1 definitely shot more than we did but not like what they should have. We’ll be back on pond 1 Jan 14 also be my 40th bday so hopefully the weather will be better.
Merry Christmas yall


Senior Member
We were on pond 1, 90% of the birds flew before legal light.