Best 1/2 Day Hunting Ever (with nothing to show)


Senior Member
Went hunting at a prime spot Sunday am.

I was in the tree by 5:30am and was standing from about 6:45 to 9:15am.

I had just sat down and then slowly looked back from left to the behind right where a pack of squirrels had been driving me nuts earlier and BAAM 3 does staring a hole right through me a mear 5-7 yds away from my tree.

After a close look, the 3 "does" turned into 1 nanny and twin fawns with 1" nubs. They all took turns stomping, blowing and bouncing around me for over 45 minutes eventually criss-crossing in and out of my scent cone 3-4 times.

I was going to let them all walk from the git-go and then remembered reading in a story in a QDM booklet about does displacing their buck fawns around breeding time. That sealed the deal; the nanny needed to go. Plus these fawns have been out of spots for about 2 weeks.

By the time, I was able to stand back up and draw all three had meandered to over 50 yds so I let off.

Anyway, I think alot of folks would be pretty frusterated with the way it turned out. I've never been so rattled by a doe in my whole life and loved every minute of it.

My heart was racing and I was constantly trying to find a time when all 3 sets of eyes were off me to stand and draw. They knew something wasn't right but it wasn't "off" enough to get them to high tail it out of there.

I've never had 3 deer blow and stomp so many times in my life without deciding to get out of Dodge.

I think the Mrs. Doe Pee lure is probably the only thing that kept them in the area for so long. I honestly think they were looking for the other deer that left it.

I am going to get this doe with her two sentries watching if it is the last thing I ever do.