Biologic Green Patch Plus

Vernon Holt

Gone But Not Forgotten
I planted a fall plot here in Gilmer using Biologic Green Patch Plus. When the plot came up it developed that the stand composition was 2/3 rape and 1/3 wheat and oats. The seed blend was supposed to contain clover, but to date I have not detected any clover.

All went well with the plot until temps dipped down to 14 to 15 degrees some two to three weeks ago. This cold dealt the rape a serious blow. There was partial kill, along with the fact that all of the rank foliage was wilted to the ground. Close inspection reveals that many of the main buds are green and are showing signs of slow recovery. If recovery comes, it will likely be green-up time in the spring before it happens.

My purpose in sharing this account is to warn readers that rape, or any of the Brassicas for that matter are not practical for a winter plot in the Mountain Counties of North Georgia.
