Biological father of Jesus?


Senior Member
I believe God was his Father so naturally he would have to get that part of his DNA from God. Jesus was fully human so wouldn't he also need his Father's DNA?
I mean it could still have been given in a miracle performing way. Supernaturally via the Holy Ghost implanting the Father's very chromosomes and DNA material into Mary.

I believe God was his spiritual Father and his biological or human Father as well.
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Senior Member
There should not be such a thing. If any man is part God, then he is not any part man. That's like saying Trump is both woman and man. It's not possible. If Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph, then he does not qualify to be the messiah. All lineage comes through the Father. Jesus became the firstborn of many brothers by receiving the promised HS. Born again, because he was a man, whom was under the same curse of "you shall surely die". All the virgin stuff is mistranslation embellished.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
There should not be such a thing. If any man is part God, then he is not any part man. That's like saying Trump is both woman and man. It's not possible. If Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph, then he does not qualify to be the messiah. All lineage comes through the Father. Jesus became the firstborn of many brothers by receiving the promised HS. Born again, because he was a man, whom was under the same curse of "you shall surely die". All the virgin stuff is mistranslation embellished.

that is certainly not what the prophets of old told would happen, and not what the Bible teaches. You would have to believe most of the Bible was fairy tales to come to your conclusions.


Senior Member
There should not be such a thing. If any man is part God, then he is not any part man. That's like saying Trump is both woman and man. It's not possible. If Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph, then he does not qualify to be the messiah. All lineage comes through the Father. Jesus became the firstborn of many brothers by receiving the promised HS. Born again, because he was a man, whom was under the same curse of "you shall surely die". All the virgin stuff is mistranslation embellished.

Before Mary had come together with Joseph, she was pregnant. Even if virgin means young girl, Mary was pregnant after a visit from God's Spirit.
Now I could see what you are saying if they had at least "came together." Gabriel told her even Elizabeth has conceived in her old age.
That it was possible through God. This I can see but would assume Elizabeth was coming together with her husband.

Are we to assume the Spirit of God united the seed of Joseph with the egg of Mary without intercourse?
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Senior Member
I think back when Jesus was born they thought he got his human genes(nature) from his Mother and his divine nature from God.

I'm sure they knew it took a man and a woman to conceive a child. I'm not sure how they viewed God as a Father in this conception. Even though they didn't understand DNA and genetics, they did know about genealogy and lineage. They thought it was from blood.


Senior Member
I don't think they really thought about it that much. Just that he was human because his Mother was and divine because his Father was.

What makes someone human and what makes someone divine if in fact they have two natures?
Could God have just cloned Mary or got her pregnant by just a miracle with no science involved? So that he was divine by this process.

Maybe God got Mary pregnant but Jesus wasn't divine. Therefore he was born fully man. Then God put his Spirit in Jesus to help him with his trials and temptations.

God through his divine work(miracle) gave Mary the "Y" chromosome her egg needed. Therefore maybe Jesus didn't have divine blood but human blood.
That would mean Jesus didn't have any of Adam's male hereditary genes but can't we trace his lineage back to Adam?

It's often mentioned that Jesus came from Abraham or David's lineage but aren't there verses about the promised seed coming from as far back as Adam?

The New Testament provides two accounts of the genealogy of Jesus, one in the Gospel of Matthew and another in the Gospel of Luke. Matthew's starts with Abraham, while Luke begins with Adam.
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Senior Member
If your biological and spiritual Father is a God, wouldn't that automatically make you a God? If you are a God, how can you be a man?
How can one be 100% God and 100% man? That's probably harder to answer than the Trinity.

Think about it. Suppose God decided he didn't want to be God any longer. He just wants to be a man. So he comes to the earth as a man.
Deep down though, wouldn't he still be God? How can God give up his divinity?
Can deity give up divinity?