

Senior Member
I have been thinking about going back to shooting 3 fingers under rather than split fingers so yesterday I went out and commenced to shooting that way. My groups immediately tightened and I was tickled pink but I noticed my bow was much louder (which I knew would occur) and my arrows didn't fly as well. It could be a release issue but I increased the brace height and raised my nocking point a touch but by then it was dark and I didn't get a chance to shoot anymore so I really don't know how the retuning would turn out. Today I go to my favorite outdoors store (Shulers) and back in the archery section Dale is shooting some different recurves. So of course I have to try them and as we're shooting I tell him about going back to 3 under. He tells me to try staying with split fingers but anchor higher on the cheek rather than the corner of my mouth. I tried and realized I was able to really keep my eye in line with the arrow and immediately shot prettty well. So long story short I'm going back to change brace height and nocking point and shoot split fingers with the higher anchor point. 3 under is louder so I'd prefer to stay with split. We'll see how it comes out. :banginghe

Interesting that we as archers (most of us) always have to be tinkering with something.


Senior Member
I used to shoot split but first time I really tried to shoot 3 under for a while there was no going back. There is more noise but since I shoot longbows it still isnt a problem cause they are so dang queit anyway. I get much better groups and now if I shoot split it just feels real awkward.


Senior Member
While you are tinkering, as you reach full draw try releasing the tention on your index finger when shooting split finger. It sure helped me but I have never tried the three under.


Senior Member
Al, your loading it up on ole simple mind here. Might as well stand on one foot while I'm at it.::ke: Seriously someone else recommended that as well. Hope I can get out and shoot this weekend and work some of this out.


As for the arrow flight the tiller for your bow might be an issue. I am by no means an expert, but when i purchased my Brack, that was one of the decisions that i had to make do to the tiller. It might not make that much of a difference, but a bit of tinkering might help some.


Senior Member
I played with 3 under for awhile and it definitely improved my close range shooting, but as you mentioned it also increased the bow noise and I had to move my nock up a good amount. I settled on a higher split finger anchor and actually anchor my index finger in the point of my cheek bone and this actually gives me about the same reference as 3 under, but I am still shooting split finger. Actually I am right at my ring finger in the corner of my mouth, if that helps. Definitely improved my consistency and if you are a gap shooter, it will decrease your point on range and hold under as well. Mark


Senior Member
After playing with it I ended up doing what you did Markland. I am anchoring higher up on the cheekbone. Pigpen, the bowyer who made my bow did ask if I would shoot three under or split as it would determine tiller. At that time I told him three under but I am not having problems with arrow flight with split. Guess I'll stay with what I'm doing now... until I get antsy again.