Cold weather and trout #'s


I have heard from a few people there was a large amount of trout loss this winter. Personally I have caught far less numbers this year around SSI than I had last year and previous years at this same time (they are healthy but just not in good #'s). My flounder and red catch is about normal but the trout seem to be effected. I caught some down deep in early March but they looked rough. Im just wondering if this is cause alot died off or if just the water is still a little cold.


2 things you gotta think about here, I posted about this once before. Don't panic, I've personally seen some good trout catches. Trout are looking for very salinic water right now, that's why they always move east in the spring. With all the rain we have had this year there is still a lot of fresh water dumping out of the rivers, especially around st.simons and little st.simons. You need to move to an area of saltier water, away from fresh water discharges. The trout will be there and when you find them they will be concentrated. just gotta find the salt and you will find the trout.