Deer & Yote interactions


Senior Member
Got these two captures with deer a yote in close proximity. Had another similar one a couple of years ago. I doubt the yote was actually hunting the deer but you never know for sure. Most likely just random intersections in the time space/continuum of both species. What do you think?DeerYote.JPGBuckYote.JPG


Senior Member
I agree. I don’t think they always encounter each other in a chase or harassment. Adult deer likely realize that summer season means fat happy coyotes.


Senior Member
About 20 years ago, I had a doe run up under my stand and stop and continue to stare back. A minute or so later here came a coyote. He and the doe were in a Mexican standoff. He would circle her and she kept putting her head down at him. Finally, I had enough of this and shot the coyote directly underneath the tree I was in. The doe stood there looking around like what was going on. I could see on the left front shoulder that she had a patch of skin about the size of a softball missing. I assumed the coyote had pulled that off at some point in the chase.


Senior Member
You, sir, deserve a medal of some kind. Yotes take far more deer than hunters and biologists realize. I rarely use a fawn bleat anymore, because several times that I have used one has brought in a single coyote on each occasion. While I hated to ring out a shot, and kill something I wasn't going to eat, I put an end to some of them; but it's kind of like "Whack a mole," for every one you kill, another one takes its place.
Nice pics! I have a pics of a coyote 15 yards from a flock of turkeys in a stand off.

280 Man

You, sir, deserve a medal of some kind. Yotes take far more deer than hunters and biologists realize. I rarely use a fawn bleat anymore, because several times that I have used one has brought in a single coyote on each occasion. While I hated to ring out a shot, and kill something I wasn't going to eat, I put an end to some of them; but it's kind of like "Whack a mole," for every one you kill, another one takes its place.

Sometimes it's not about "eating what you shoot". Coyotes are predators and predators are just like any other thing. They need controlling! While I agree that they are hard to control. Trapping is the best way to "control" coyotes, you simply can't shoot enough to do much good but that shouldn't deter anyone from doing it.

I trap but I also shoot everyone I see while hunting, if possible. I shot two last year while hunting. I killed that bottom pic yote early one morning. Dropped it DRT. About an hour and a half later a decent buck walked to within 10 yds of the dead yote. I guess what I;m trying to say, deer don't know what a rifle shot sounds like or Ive never found them to.

Oct 14 yote.jpgNov yote.jpg


Senior Member
I agree. Immediately, it will startle the deer in the area, but I've missed deer (OK, it only happened one time and it was the scope's fault) and had deer scamper away only to be back a few minutes later. I've always believed they can't discern a rifle shot from thunder.