Great book


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Here's a wonderful excerpt from "On My Worst Day - The Narrative Changes When Redemption Enters In" by John Lynch

"I long for the next generation of Christ-followers to lose their fear of an unbridled grace. Grace does not need to be balanced with anything. Love does not need to be mitigated by anything. This grace alone can set our new nature free to live in heartfelt obedience and playful joy. The Scriptures are wonderfully full of all manner of things to do and obey. But it’s all about how we accomplish them. A man-made system will create obligatory compliance; grace will create heartfelt obedience. There is power in grace. No man-made manipulation, coercion, or raised eyebrows of the moralist will do much of anything. Please risk for this grace. For the sake of your children and a watching world, wanting to believe in Jesus. They call us hypocrites because they watch us lecture on the sins we don’t struggle with and hide the sins we do. Instead, grace allows us to depend upon Christ in us while faking nothing in the meantime. It’s a beautiful way to live. You get to smile a lot. Grace is not meant to free us from obeying the heart of God. Grace is the nutrient-rich soil that seeds of truth drop into so they’re not choked out by the self-condemnation of failure. Instead, no longer afraid of God’s disgust, we can obey God from the heart rather than from compliance. And we grow into a beautiful, healthy tree that gives shade to others."

On My Worst Day - The Narrative Changes When Redemption Enters In
John Lynch