Locating Pressured Turkeys


Senior Member
I don’t think liking to hear them respond to calls automatically equates to calling too loud or too frequent.
And I don’t think it’s neccessarily the turkey calls that pressure turkeys, I think it’s the actual people that accompany those calls that pressure turkeys.
In other words, I think you can slip quietly thru the woods, making realistic diverse and frequent turkey sounds and cover a lot of ground without reducing your chances of killing a bird.
The more and more I think about it, I’d rather run off 5 silent birds for the chance to work 1 gobbling bird even if I ultimately can’t get that bird to commit.
To each their own, I guess
I want to be clear -
Im not accusing anybody of hunting right or hunting wrong.
The subject was pressured birds on public land.
I think we can agree that more birds dont gobble than do.
By focusing only on gobbling birds you are therefore reducing your odds.
If thats fine with him its fine with me.
Just pointing that out.
A common mistake is calling too much and calling too loud.
If you are only focused on gobbling birds there is an increased chance you are doing both.
I’d rather run off 5 silent birds for the chance to work 1 gobbling bird even if I ultimately can’t get that bird to commit.
Thats fine ^. None of my business how you hunt. The OP asked for advice. I gave mine.


Senior Member
Just a comment -

So you are probably calling loud and calling a lot.

So you are moving around, covering a ton of ground, calling loud and calling alot.
Since you are on public land you and however many other guys are doing the same thing.
That = putting pressure on pressured birds ;)
Theres nothing like hearing them gobble. Just be aware that your style can really be reducing your odds of success.
Or you are going to get out there and get on a hot bird and it might all happen exactly the way you hoped for!
That does make sense, thanks for your reply.