Most religions against homosexuality?


Senior Member
Not sure why Christianity pics on homosexuals so much. Yes it is sin. And maybe if we all hold hands and join in the fight against it we won't have to deal with all the fornication and adultery thats in many of our own hearts! Two hairy men loving up on each other ain't whats setting me back. Maybe it's easier to focus on someone else's sin than my own? I'm just sayin'.

It's not just Christianity and thus the OP. I see on the map India and Pakistan. 11 years to life.

Not one of my weaknesses either. Really it only effects about 5% of the population. My weaknesses are more along the lines of lust and not forgiving others. With a tad of hatred, jealousy, and boasting.
People should focus on their own weaknesses other than that of others.
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New Member
Not sure why Christianity pics on homosexuals so much. Yes it is sin. And maybe if we all hold hands and join in the fight against it we won't have to deal with all the fornication and adultery thats in many of our own hearts! Two hairy men loving up on each other ain't whats setting me back. Maybe it's easier to focus on someone else's sin than my own? I'm just sayin'.

Matt...., "right as rain" !!!


New Member
It's not just Christianity and thus the OP. I see on the map India and Pakistan. 11 years to life.

Not one of my weaknesses either. Really it only effects about 5% of the population. My weaknesses are more along the lines of lust and not forgiving others. With a tad of hatred, jealousy, and boasting.
People should focus on their own weaknesses other than that of others.

(...Many of the areas on the map were under British rule during its days of empire; India, for instance, principally Hindu, was left with the 'residue' of English Christianity and is only now undergoing a reversion to its original religious tenets:...)

"...The Christian British left the most significant, lasting mark on Hindu attitudes toward homosexuality—attitudes that were viciously negative and remain prominent in Hinduism up to this day.

The British penalized homosexual behavior in India first by hanging and then with life sentences, incorporating Section 377 into the Indian Penal Code in 1860. They also constructed educational facilities and colleges across the subcontinent that indoctrinated upwardly mobile natives into a very dark, criminal view of known or suspected “sodomites.”

Nineteenth-century attitudes dubbing homosexual behavior as “unnatural,” “perverted,” “demonic,” “a mental illness,” “a chosen vice,” “shocking,” a “growing modern menace,” etc. are all Christian ideas with no foundation in traditional Hindu dogma or scripture.[37] The British also criminalized crossdressing, castration and collecting alms under the Criminal Tribes Act of 1871 in an attempt to eliminate the hijra and third-gender sects found all over India. Unfortunately, many of these harmful misunderstandings and attitudes have become ingrained into the modern Hindu psyche.

Modern Developments

In the 1990’s, LGBTI Indians and Hindus began a public dialog in Indian society, openly questioning their mistreatment and demanding equal rights and inclusion. Pioneers such as Ashok Row Kavi, founder of India’s first gay magazine Bombay Dost, openly declared both his homosexuality and his faith in Hinduism. Thus began the long process of reeducating Hindus about their formerly tolerant and noble past in regard to homosexuality and the third gender.

In 1999, India’s first small Gay Pride march took place in Calcutta. It would soon be followed by others of increasing strength and number. In 2001, the Gay and Lesbian Vaishnava Association was founded to provide positive information and support to faithful LGBTI Vaishnavas and Hindus all around the globe. The Delhi High Court effectively struck down India’s laws against homosexuality (Section 377) in 2009 but they were reinstated by the Supreme Court in 2013 at the petition of various anti-gay Christian, Muslim and even Hindu organizations. This controversial decision is currently being reviewed under a curative plea. In 2014, the Supreme Court granted legal recognition and equal constitutional rights to all individuals identifying as “third gender.”[38] The justices cited India’s historic tradition of respecting such people and even questioned the compatibility of their verdict to Section 377 and the rights of other sex and gender minorities such as homosexuals. Thus the legal situation of LGBTI people in India remains under review.

In today’s world, traditional Hindu teachings on homosexuality and the third gender shine new light whereas the intolerance and mistreatment of recent centuries continues to fall by the wayside. Indeed, the chief instigators of homophobia in India, the Western colonialists, have long since packed their bags and even purged their own societies of the practice. If one were to ask various Hindu swamis and leaders about their opinions on homosexuality and the third gender, one would inevitably hear a wide range of views, both good and bad.

As with other faiths, Hinduism and its scriptures can be read and interpreted variously. Nevertheless, higher qualities such as love, kindness and compassion should always be emphasized above the lower qualities of hate, cruelty and fear. That is an eternal truth and good advice for everyone!.."


My Bible says in Genesis, "Male and female He created them", since the fall the adversary has attempted to pervert the order G-d gave His Creation.
There really is only one way, one truth and one life.


Senior Member
My Bible says in Genesis, "Male and female He created them", since the fall the adversary has attempted to pervert the order G-d gave His Creation.
There really is only one way, one truth and one life.

Genesis 5:1-2
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in His own likeness. 2Male and female He created them, and He blessed them. And in the day they were created, He called them “man.”

He created male and female in his own likeness. Does that mean God is heterosexual? What is this passage saying for or against homosexuality?


Senior Member
Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28And God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth.”

I can see why some people believe God had attributes of sexuality. First he had a Son. He was a Father. His Son eventually became human. His Son was celibate.

We are made in his image. Male and female God created in his own likeness. Some say this is a spiritual likeness but why would God use it to explain creating male and females for being fruitful and to multiply?

Perhaps this passage is against celibacy. Could be against recreational sex.
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Senior Member
Maybe God made the first person two-sided. Male and female was he made. Adam was originally alone remember and made in the image of God. Male and female. Maybe.

Adam had trouble pro-creating and asked God for help. God then split him and made Eve.

So in the image of God Adam had male chromosomes and female chromosomes. After the split Adam only had male chromosomes and Eve got the female chromosomes.
When they had sex and created, those offspring were the image of God.

I don't see how the creation of man by the Great Architect(God) has anything to do with being against homosexuality. It's more about the creation of male and female humans in the image of God. Man was created after the plants and animals that were also male and female. Yet God originally made only Adam. Some plants are both male and female. Maybe God thought it would work for Adam but Adam complained that it was too hard to reproduce so God split him and made two.

Part of the image of our creation was to "rule" over the rest of God's creation. So maybe the image of God was rulers and had nothing to do with sexuality.
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Resident Homesteader
and...., if we're all made in God's image what does that imply??
There are several debates on the "Image" and "likeness" of God. Mostly, having the moral capacity to rein and rule the earth is what sets us apart from all other creation.


Senior Member
There are several debates on the "Image" and "likeness" of God. Mostly, having the moral capacity to rein and rule the earth is what sets us apart from all other creation.

While that does set us apart I still wonder why the image and likeness verses are used to show creation through male and female? Maybe the sexuality is one part and the ability to rule over creation is one part.
To be fruitful and reign.

Wonder how creating male and female in God's image ties in with man being the head of woman and God being the head of Christ? The Father/Son pre-existing and male & female made in that image. The head of one over the other likeness. Showing sexuality through the Father/Son example and showing ruling through the Father/Son example.

1 Corinthians 11:3
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

Could this all be connected? Father and Son? Male and female humans? The Bridegroom and the Bride? As to who is head of who?
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Resident Homesteader
While that does set us apart I still wonder why the image and likeness verses are used to show creation through male and female? Maybe the sexuality is one part and the ability to rule over creation is one part.
To be fruitful and reign.

Wonder how creating male and female in God's image ties in with man being the head of woman?

1 Corinthians 11:3
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
I agree here that this has a lot to do with the “order” of operation. If that’s the correct term. Christ is head of the church, husband is head of the wife.

Between Christ and the Church there is a “Union” or marriage where we take on the name of Christ. We become one, the wife takes on the husbands name through marriage and they become one.

Women submit yourselves unto your own husband. That’s not a “slave” order as some try to make it. That’s saying be faithful to the one you married.

Men are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church, and gave himself up for her. The Church is the body of Christ. We are to love our wives as we would love ourselves and even give up our own life for our wife to save hers. He is faithful to the Church, and we should be faithful to our wives.


Senior Member
I agree here that this has a lot to do with the “order” of operation. If that’s the correct term. Christ is head of the church, husband is head of the wife.

Between Christ and the Church there is a “Union” or marriage where we take on the name of Christ. We become one, the wife takes on the husbands name through marriage and they become one.

Women submit yourselves unto your own husband. That’s not a “slave” order as some try to make it. That’s saying be faithful to the one you married.

Men are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church, and gave himself up for her. The Church is the body of Christ. We are to love our wives as we would love ourselves and even give up our own life for our wife to save hers. He is faithful to the Church, and we should be faithful to our wives.

Is Paul also saying the head of Christ is God? Could that be part of the image or likeness of our creation?


Senior Member
Not sure why Christianity pics on homosexuals so much. Yes it is sin. ..

Homosexuality is unique among sins because it has a great number of active proponents who are out and proud, and say it's a wonderful thing (for them, their partners, their families, their neighbors, their communities.)

Straight people have sinful sexual encounters-- fornication between unmarried persons, adulterous affairs, etc. But they don't demand that society give them a high five and heap praise upon them. They don't demand that schools teach serial sexual affairs as a natural and wholesome alternative to monogamous relationships. They don't ask churches to give the "shack up lover of the month" the same status as a real spouse.
Homosexual activists make such demands, along with even more insane ones like teaching kids that they can pick any gender they want to be, and change it daily or hourly as the mood strikes them, and the parents and the schools must give them this "freedom" cross-dress or act-out homosexual conduct.

Do you see unreformed, still-using drug addicts demanding that they be ordained as pastors, or employed as teachers? No. Drug abuse is a sin, but it's not a sin that has many advocates promoting it. Homosexuality does.

Robbery and stealing are sins. Most people who steal and rob are ashamed of it, or at least when they're in the company of decent people. They don't brag about being thieves and demand that nobody hold this against them in any way, because it's just how God made them, and you have to love and respect all of God's creations and don't try to change a personality (inclination to steal) that they say God implanted in them. That kind of idiotic argument is NOT being used commonly today, but gays are making those same arguments for their sin.


Senior Member
Gunnsmoker your points are very valid. However, at the end of the day I am only in control of myself. I believe gay is here to stay and the worst is yet to be seen. Lost is lost, gay or not. Not my job to make folks straight or keep 'em that way. Not my job to out argue them in the political realm. Not my job to urge congress to pass laws to my liking. My job however is to show that Christ can and does change lives. You can't put folks in a headlock and drag them kicking and screaming to the alter. If we are not offering a gospel solution then we're only condemning folks that already know their wrong anyway. Their seeking love and acceptance from everyone. When and if they find the love and acceptance that only Christ offers, then they want need anyone else's acceptance. He'll take 'em as they are, but He want leave 'em that way!


Resident Homesteader
Is Paul also saying the head of Christ is God? Could that be part of the image or likeness of our creation?

It is my opinion that it represents the image and likeness

But yes, 1 Cor 11:3 ...............the head of every man is Christ, the head of every woman is man, the head of Christ is God.


Senior Member
Maybe God made the first person two-sided. Male and female was he made. Adam was originally alone remember and made in the image of God. Male and female. Maybe.

Adam had trouble pro-creating and asked God for help. God then split him and made Eve.

So in the image of God Adam had male chromosomes and female chromosomes. After the split Adam only had male chromosomes and Eve got the female chromosomes.
When they had sex and created, those offspring were the image of God.

I don't see how the creation of man by the Great Architect(God) has anything to do with being against homosexuality. It's more about the creation of male and female humans in the image of God. Man was created after the plants and animals that were also male and female. Yet God originally made only Adam. Some plants are both male and female. Maybe God thought it would work for Adam but Adam complained that it was too hard to reproduce so God split him and made two.

Part of the image of our creation was to "rule" over the rest of God's creation. So maybe the image of God was rulers and had nothing to do with sexuality.
My bible says nothing about maybe the first person was 2-sided or that Adam asked for help.

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

There is no way when a man feels he was supposed to be woman or a woman a man that could happen. Verse 23 says that woman was taken out of man so why would God put woman back in a man or man into a woman when he done it right the first time? My God doesn't make mistakes.


Resident Homesteader
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:
The joining as one between man and woman....... could this be the first "wedding ceremony" of unity as one? Could this be a place where a religious person can hang there hat on "marriage as God intended it"

Non the less, it is a clear indication that there were opposite genders created, and followed up with other scriptures, designed to reproduce.

There is no way when a man feels he was supposed to be woman or a woman a man that could happen.

My neighbor recently had blood work to reveal the gender of her baby. I was thinking if the body make up and design says this is a girl, and it is born a girl..................but later thinks she is a boy..................seems to me that there is a wire crossed between the brain and the body? Maybe not so much as a "mental issue" but definitely something going on mentally between the brain and the body?


Senior Member
The joining as one between man and woman....... could this be the first "wedding ceremony" of unity as one? Could this be a place where a religious person can hang there hat on "marriage as God intended it"

Non the less, it is a clear indication that there were opposite genders created, and followed up with other scriptures, designed to reproduce.

My neighbor recently had blood work to reveal the gender of her baby. I was thinking if the body make up and design says this is a girl, and it is born a girl..................but later thinks she is a boy..................seems to me that there is a wire crossed between the brain and the body? Maybe not so much as a "mental issue" but definitely something going on mentally between the brain and the body?
IMO the whole gay gernder confusion thing is just that, something messed up in the head


Senior Member
My bible says nothing about maybe the first person was 2-sided or that Adam asked for help.

There is no way when a man feels he was supposed to be woman or a woman a man that could happen. Verse 23 says that woman was taken out of man so why would God put woman back in a man or man into a woman when he done it right the first time? My God doesn't make mistakes.

God made Adam and then God planted the Garden. There he placed the man he just created. He was to work it and take care of it. You are correct in that Adam didn't ask for a helper. Yet he was created without a helper. God decide he needed a helper.
Then God created all of the birds and animals but for Adam a suitable helper could not be found. I'm not sure if Adam figured this out or God.
Maybe they both decided it would be best at this point in creation to get him a female human partner. So God put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his "sides" and made a woman. Some say rib but I think the correct translation is "side" thus maybe God took his female side.

The point being Adam was created in the image of God before Eve. Eve came later after the creation of the animals and Adam not finding a helper from that part of Creation.

If he was made in the image of God, then he could have been male and female. God created man, male and female he made him in his image. If Adam was made before Eve in the Creation account and Adam was made in God's image? A helpmate could not be found in the Creation after Adam was made? But he was made in God's image which was male and female. Eve came later after no helpmate could be found. This account doesn't say if Adam could not find a partner or if God could not find him a partner. Regardless, God or Adam could not find a suitable partner from that part of creation.

God created Adam. Then God created the animals and birds, gave Adam the Law about the forbidden fruit. Then a partner could not be found so God took Adam's side and made him a partner.

Genesis 2:21
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his sides and closed up the flesh in its place;
So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was asleep, he took part of the man's side and closed up the place with flesh.

At this point it is mentioned that a man must leave his parents and be united with his wife to become one flesh. Perhaps it may be a sin to remain single or to be gay.
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Senior Member
Maybe God created Adam to be alone for a period of time for Adam to realize he needed a partner. God knew all alone the he would make Adam a human female partner. Maybe he told Adam to look over his creation and find a helpmate knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to find one.
I can see Adam going "Hey God something ain't quite right here. I'm having trouble finding a suitable partner among these animals. They all seem to be male or female except for some fish, slugs, and lizards."
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