New weight-loss prescriptions: Tirzepitides/Semaglutides?


Senior Member
My GF works in a hospital, and says a lot of the nurses she's around are on ozempic for weight loss. She said she can tell who is, by their sickly look & greyish skin tone.

Get active, cut carbs and alcohol, stop eating processed foods. You'll be surprised how fast you'll drop pounds, and feel way better. One of our members on here I know dropped close to 45 pounds in 6 months by walking 5-6 miles daily and improving his diet.

I've seen the bland skin tone on some using it, and it seems to be a thing with hospital staff as far as using it, probably because they can get it easily knowing various doctors,

I fully expect in another year or two we'll start seeing reports of the dangers of using these drugs for an extended period of time, and they have to keep using them, or they'll gain the weight right back !


Senior Member
^ was about to say, in two years Ken Nugent will be on TV..

“Have you or a loved one taken semaglutide?
You may be entitled to compensation!”

…and big pharma will pay a fine not greater than their profits and keep right on trucking.

Watch some David Goggins motivation, get you a YouTube fitness program and eat clean. You can do it