R&D Archery Scores 6/12!

hoop da lah

Thank you to all of you that came out and a huge shout out to those of you that came free already shooting another course earlier today. That’s a feat in itself. Two rounds, lots of riding, and with gas prices the way they are, it was really classy for you to show up and shoot with our club.

Novice / mens pins 30

Daniel Faircloth 205/7
Christian Hall. 203/9
Javier Olmo. 203/6
Cody Fennell. 198/12
Jason Jenkins. 188/1
Robert Patterson. 180/2
Jonathan Faircloth. 179/3

Raymond Pope. 180/5

Unknown/open money

Logan Wilson. 209/10
Corey Bryant. 201/9

known money
Michael Cain. 208/9

Jacob Babb. 189/4


Bill Ragon 206/4
Benny Fennell (sp). 194/3
Blake Ragon. 189/6
Eric Bugdanavage 184/3