Random picture taken with a cell phone thread.

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TCU Go Frawgs !
Big ol broadhead skink that was hanging out in front of a gas station I stopped at on my trip home today. This guy was easily 10-12" long to the end of his tail, he wouldn't come back out all the way for a picture.

Small world.
I saw this 8 incher today. It's the biggest one I've ever seen. I relocated him to the woods(fixin' to run siding on that wall and I don't want to mash him).



TCU Go Frawgs !
Sir Skinsalot came back today. He had his old lady with him. I couldn't get them both in a picture.

What kind of snake is this? I ran across a 8 incher and a 12 incher today. Toss them in the woods.snake8.pngsnake 12.png
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