Reintroduction of "wilder" animals


Gone but not forgotten

I saw the above article on USAToday online. Are some people just so smart they are stupid? :crazy: I mean, there is a reason mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers became extinct. And can you imagine reintroducing an elephant size animal back on the plains? You think hitting a dear was bad at night!! These are just some thoughts that popped into my little pea brain while reading this article. I am curious to any other comments.

:offtopic: I wonder how much a guided mammoth or sabre- toothed tiger hunt wouldl go for? And what would they taste like? :rofl:


Senior Member
We must have posted this about the same time. I posted mine and saw yours, so I deleted my thread. What the heck is this all about? Some folks are just plain :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: !!! Don't the coyotes and other predators do enough damage to our deer heards? That's all I need is lions eating up our deer!

I just hit a deer last week, can you imagine hittin' an elephant?? :eek: :eek:

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
Ya'll misunderstood the article's real intent :huh:

1st you get rid of all the people, then....

What a crock :eek:

Burl E.

Senior Member
Seen the same thing

I looked at the same thing on msn's news page and they had a poll. About 71% were for IT! what do these IDIOTS think is going to happen. The first time somebodys child got eat, "they" would find someway to blame "US" ( the only people who seem to understand predator prey relationships) for it. I just want to know when the season is going to open a saber tooth cat would look good beside my woolly mamoth mount. :huh: :rofl: :huh: :rofl: :shoot: :rofl: :rofl: