The 2007 The Bugaboo Fire in South Georgia!


Senior Member
The Bugaboo Fire was a wildfire that helped feed one of the largest fires in Georgia history. It raged from April to June 2007 and ultimately merging with other fires becoming the largest fire in the history of both Georgia and Florida.

On April 16, a downed power line started the Sweat Farm Road fire southwest of Waycross. When it entered the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge on April 21, it was renamed Big Turnaround. Close by, the Bugaboo fire was ignited by lightning on May 5. By May 20, the fires converged and became the Georgia Bay Complex - one of the largest fires in the South and the nation.


Senior Member
Thread when it was going on at the Roundabout Swamp in Atkinson County.
Nice capture of a Firestorm or Firenado by Snakeman's brother;


Old and Ornery
Staff member
It was right smokey around here, and there were times at Lake Seminole when it was so smokey you couldn`t hardly see across the lake.


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
I know some forestry guys and a few firefighters that helped with that blaze. To say they were impressed and overmatched is an understatement. If I remember correctly, it would spot fire so far ahead of the main fire line they couldn’t get a handle on it.