Of the hard cast variety
Without a God introducing Sin, there wouldn't be any. As the story goes, nothing existed before God. He created everything. God is the source of Sin.Yes, God is apparently that petty because the whole point of creating mankind was because he wants to be worshipped. Ergo, the biggest "sin" - and the only sin that Jesus cannot forgive - is not worshipping Him both in this world and the next.
So from God's perspective, being the most law-abiding and charitable, helpful, loving, perfect father & husband on the planet still gets you a seat on the hot-place express unless you worship Him.
As for option #3 I could not agree more! No eternal reward, no eternal punishment, just leave me alone when I die! Because if I'm an atheist (or worship one of the other thousands of deities across the planet) you have one less worshipper - one monkey doesn't stop the show - get over it. But why send me to eternal punishment? At that point it is not punishment, it is revenge. God hates "sin" - I get that. Stealing, lying, adultery, murder, all those things are bad for society and the species, but Jesus/God forgives these things. But not worshipping properly affects nobody walking this planet in any way. And this is just one religion! There are thousands more across the planet with equally disturbing ideas. Is this really something that humanity needs to hang onto for the duration of Homo Sapien's existence?