Another season in the books!


Senior Member
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Next up for me was a public land quota hunt on a wma where I called in a group of 4 longbeards. After the hunt I got to visit with Samuel Dupree and his family. It had been many years since we had seen one another although we talk and text every turkey season.

The next successful hunt wasn't mine but my life long friend Haven taking a middle Ga public land gobbler. I was happy I was there to share in his hunt and take pics for him.

My final successful hunt will be one that always sticks with me. I had decided that I wanted to take my 2nd Ga bird with my late dad's 16 gauge double barrel that he killed his 1st turkey with in the middle 80s. As luck would have it I got a trail cam pic of 2 gobblers with a hen in the afternoon so I figured them to still be close the next morning. As daylight was breaking I hadn't heard them so I was easing slowly into the area of the camera I spotted the hen up in a big white oak. I put a tree between the two of us and sat down. The hen started clucking and 1 gobbler fired up a couple hundred yards down the creek. Wasn't much need of me calling with her pulling him to me. Turned out to be both of them but she stopped calling once they got to 100 yards. Fearing she was going to pitch down to them I called aggressive which fired her up in the tree. It was more then the boys could stand and once they hit about 35 yards the old 16 gauge had its 1st turkey in nearly 40 years. I also killed a tree in the process . :rofl:

It was a catch 22 really tagging out just 2 1/2 weeks into the season. I only got to go 3 or 4 more times with friends the rest of the season. I kept trying to find time to go out of state but it just never did work out.

As always I loved talking with many turkey hunting friends on a daily basis to hear and see how their hunts played out. 2025 will hopefully bring more travel to see new places and add states to kill a gobbler in...


Senior Member
Congrats on a great season! I know that bird with your dads gun will stick with you for life.


Senior Member
congrats my friend. We gonna get out of Georgia Next year