If you would do more reading, and less assuming, you would find that I have indeed voiced my unfavorable opinion about the laws that keep folks from still-hunting bears on public land in NC, and the political lobbying that keeps them in place. I do not, however, subscribe to the us vs. them or we should only hunt my way theories. There is room for all of us, and if we don't stick together, none of us will be hunting.I do indeed have a biology degree but it’s just that, a degree. Doesn’t mean much. The knowledge of bear home ranges was initially discovered by Benjamin Kilham but has now been proven to be true including a recent dna analysis study in the Ozarks.
Here is what is also true: GA is not NC or anywhere else. Our bears exist in a relatively tiny little portion of the state and I know people here seem to think they are walking in big bad wilderness but our non roaded areas are tiny. If you dropped me blindfolded into the worst of it, there is nowhere that I couldnt be to a road by dark.
And people here are all seeming to forget that hound hunters in NC, through god knows what amount of political pressure, ended still hunting for bears so they could have it all for themselves. So, let’s not pretend like this group has a history of protecting the rights of other hunter groups. In reality THEY have shown time and again that hounding is the only thing that matters and forget the rest of us.
I didnt sign on to this forum to debate anyone. It’s a futile exercise. I only did it because I know DNR watches this site somewhat to gauge public opinion and I want my voice heard. Ill be at every meeting from here on out. Ill continue to write letters and Ill do as much as I can to see that bear populations arent sent back down the tubes and that bowhunters have their place in the mountains that I love.
You all can have your forum back now.