***** Buck Lure


Senior Member
I just ordered me two bottles of the ***** Buck Lure and I hope that I have it by Friday. I put it on my calender to order the stuff in September but somehow I missed that date on my day planner. In my estimation this is the best doe in estrus on the market. Over at the yellow ranch they have does and bucks and when the bucks try to mount a doe the people over at yellow river lock her up for 24 hours to catch her urine. After the 24 hour period is up they turn her lose. If a buck still try to mount her they again lock her up for another 24 hour period. The bottom line is fresh doe in estrus urine from local Georgia deer.

It seems like in the past two years the rut has occured on about opening day. GON predicts the rut to be in full force in Screven by November 2.---------Hurry up Saturday---I'm almost ready!!!!!!!!! :shoot: :shoot:

Woody's Janitor

Senior Member
Where do you get that stuff?
If it taste good, I would like to get some!


GONetwork Member
Woody's Janitor said:
Where do you get that stuff?
If it taste good, I would like to get some!

Teddy you ain't right! Btw, sounds like you may have had to much already..... :D