
Lumpkin Hunter

Senior Member
Killed this buck Wednesday evening with my 51 year old Marlin 30-30. I got this gun when I turned 15. My Dad told me that summer if I would save my money from odd jobs over the summer to where I had 2/3 of the gun price he would give me the rest of the money needed to buy it. Gun season opened on Nov. 1st back then and I would turn 15 on Oct 28. A week before my birthday I went with my Mom to Roses to shop. They had the Marlins on sale for $64.95. I was looking at them when my Mom asked which one I wanted. I told her I didn’t have enough money saved yet. She said my Dad told her to get me the gun and a box of shells. I was one proud and excited young man. I finally had my personal deer rifle to go along with my Marlin Golden 39A 22 rifle and didn’t have to borrow my uncles 303 Enfield. Not many deer back then in my area took awhile to kill my first with it
Side note gun got stolen out of a vehicle when headed hunting in early 80’s. Gun was recovered in a pawn shop 7 years later and returned to me by the police. Love this gun.
Sorry for long post.


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Senior Member
Don't apologize for long posts about fond childhood memories. People can choose to read them or not. I chose to read yours and enjoyed the story.


Senior Member
BTW, that's the same gun my son killed his first, and only, deer with. Marlin 30-30 lever action. Bought it from a coworker for $150 about 10 or 12 years ago. He's been trying to buy it back ever since. I told him he's out of luck. It is now forever attached to the memory of hunting with my boy and him killing a deer with it. It will not be parted with prior to my death.


Staff member
Great story and a fine buck!


Slow Mod
Staff member
Congratulations on the deer and on having a great story to share. Thanks for sharing both with us.

Lumpkin Hunter

Senior Member
You guys are right the gun deserved to be in the picture. I was in a hurry to get the buck out and to the processor. I normally place my gun in pictures of deer and turkey especially when the significance of the gun is part of the story. Here is the gun. I pulled it from my safe to take the picture after reading the responses.
Note the old leather original sling I put on the gun the 2nd year I owned it, plus the see through mounts. The scope is a new Redfield I put on it this year. Remember when Redfield was the scope to have back in the 70’s. When I found this scope I thought it was appropriate to put it on this particular gun. Only the original scope was missing when the police returned it to me after it was stolen and missing for 7 years.

thanks for the responses this was indeed a special hunt with a special gun.


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Senior Member
Great story and great buck, and a very nice rifle.

George Jr

Senior Member
Killed this buck Wednesday evening with my 51 year old Marlin 30-30. I got this gun when I turned 15. My Dad told me that summer if I would save my money from odd jobs over the summer to where I had 2/3 of the gun price he would give me the rest of the money needed to buy it. Gun season opened on Nov. 1st back then and I would turn 15 on Oct 28. A week before my birthday I went with my Mom to Roses to shop. They had the Marlins on sale for $64.95. I was looking at them when my Mom asked which one I wanted. I told her I didn’t have enough money saved yet. She said my Dad told her to get me the gun and a box of shells. I was one proud and excited young man. I finally had my personal deer rifle to go along with my Marlin Golden 39A 22 rifle and didn’t have to borrow my uncles 303 Enfield. Not many deer back then in my area took awhile to kill my first with it
Side note gun got stolen out of a vehicle when headed hunting in early 80’s. Gun was recovered in a pawn shop 7 years later and returned to me by the police. Love this gun.
Sorry for long post.
Nice story.
When I was a teenager, I bought me a .30-30 win 94. My dad was of the school that deer wore body armor and had to be shot with cannons. He gave me so much grief about hunting with that rifle. It killed a lot of deer. Don't remember losing one. I do remember him losing a few with his .264 Win Mag. (Velocity was ahead of bullet technology of the time and he believes in light weight moving very fast)
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Senior Member
Awesome story. The longevity of the tools of the hunt and the memories that get attached to them is one of the things that makes hunting so special.


Senior Member
That's awesome!! Congratulations! I'm glad you were able to get it back after so long! Great story and great buck to go with it!