Clearfield Sunflower Cadre question

I could use some advice on Cadre postemergence in Clearfield sunflowers. Sunflowers germinated maybe 10 days ago and now have two true leaves. Pre-emergent Dual Magnum used, and while weeds are not heavy, they include some Sicklepod (coffee weed) and some are maybe 2 inches. Cadre directions say spray weeds before 2-3 inches but yet some people say they don’t spray Cadre until sunflowers like 6 inches tall. If I wait until flowers that big the weeds will be well past 2-3 inches. Also there is mention of maybe needing rain soon after Cadre but rain low probability next week and may need to spray sooner rather than later? Seems like a dilemma?
Any advice appreciated.


Senior Member
My little experience with Cadre is to let the sunflowers grow a little more and then spray. (with right mixture). You may need to spray again as late as you can before the sunflowers get too tall.
Last year is sprayed Cadre two weeks before planting as a pre emergent it worked really well.
If you get rain in the next two/three weeks you should be fine.
My little experience with Cadre is to let the sunflowers grow a little more and then spray. (with right mixture). You may need to spray again as late as you can before the sunflowers get too tall.
Last year is sprayed Cadre two weeks before planting as a pre emergent it worked really well.
If you get rain in the next two/three weeks you should be fine.
Ok thanks. So it sounds like the Cadre may be as good as a pre emergent as post? And it won’t hurt the flowers to hit them again with Cadre a second time later on?


Senior Member
That's my experience. Can't remember the mixture but is important. Some of the sunflowers may get a little yellow on the leaves but that's normal. I have small tractor so I have to spray second time at about 18 inches.


Senior Member
My pre emergent definition: I had harrowed in the winter. In late April the field was lightly cover with small grass and nutsedge. I sprayed 4oz of Cadre per acre. My little sprayer will cover about an acre with 20 gallons of water. Waited 2 weeks to plant at which time vegetation was mostly dead.
My pre emergent definition: I had harrowed in the winter. In late April the field was lightly cover with small grass and nutsedge. I sprayed 4oz of Cadre per acre. My little sprayer will cover about an acre with 20 gallons of water. Waited 2 weeks to plant at which time vegetation was mostly dead.
Sounds good. That’s pretty much all I have is a three point lift older herbicide rig. Actually, has the boom poles that can be folded out to a total of about 20 feet, however there’s a lot of bouncing around and if you need less than or more than 20 feet, it’s not the right coverage. Added at the rear, an extra rubber hose, and a Hamilton boomless nozzle. Can turn off the valve to the boom poles and switch over to the Hamilton nozzle, which has a reversible plate that can either allow spray all the way across or just half in one direction. The Hamilton works well if plants are too tall to ride over the top and can spray in from each side. The Dual Magnum has been a little disappointing as it will not kill weeds once they pop through and often there are some already in germination process right at surface when sprayed that emerge within a week of Dual. Reduced but not clean.


Senior Member
I have been using Spartan Charge for several years as a pre emerge and used Prowl before that mixed with Cadre. Cadre can be sprayed up to 4 times in a season if you use the right rate but just remember that it has a very extended residual. I typically spray twice, once with Spartan for pre emerge, once more right when the flowers are almost too tall to get over with a tractor. I usually plant 30-45 acres a year with this method and haven’t had any issues.
I have been using Spartan Charge for several years as a pre emerge and used Prowl before that mixed with Cadre. Cadre can be sprayed up to 4 times in a season if you use the right rate but just remember that it has a very extended residual. I typically spray twice, once with Spartan for pre emerge, once more right when the flowers are almost too tall to get over with a tractor. I usually plant 30-45 acres a year with this method and haven’t had any issues.
Makes sense. If I can ask, when you mentioned the right rate, All that I see in the literature is 4 ounces per acre which if using 20 gallons per acre would be .20 ounces per gallon rate? But they also seem to suggest a max annual rate of 4 Oz per acre? If so, then are you applying a lesser amount than 4 Oz per acre each time if doing multiple sprays?


Question: I’ve been spraying 3 oz to acre for past 6 years. This year I went with 4 oz of cadre. Sunflowers are stunted. Anyone with history think they will come out of it?


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How long have these plants been emerged? Did any escape spray to compare to these? How soon did you spray after planting? How many days ago were these sprayed? Was this Beyond or Cadre?


I planted April 24th and sprayed cadre May 7. Most plants had 4 leaves. I would have waited a few more days but I was expecting rain the next day instead the rain came about 72 hours later. I do have some to compare to and they look normal with some yellowing of the leaves. Some of the leaves on top are shriveled. You have any suggestions?
I planted sunflowers 4/6 and sprayed sprayed 4 Oz (CADRE plus surfactant and ammonium sulfate) per acre 4/25 approximately when flowers were maybe up 10-14 days.
They all had two or more true leaves. All the flowers turned a yellowish tint but didn’t die. Some are considerably smaller than the best-looking so may have gotten a higher dose of herbicide?

While none have died, I do also have some with curled central leaves and not as large and healthy as the better plants. Even the injured plants seem to have grown at least some since then but nowhere near caught up.

Also I didn’t get rain for about 10 days after application of Cadre so lost the rainfall activation effect initially but have several rains since.

Did your injured plants have only the two initial seed leaves or any true leaves? (2 seed leaves PLUS 2 true leaves required to be in the recommended 2-8 leaf stage). I don’t know the long term effect of spraying them BEFORE the 2 True leaf stage. I assume if they are not actually dying that with time they may recover somewhat and go on to make seeds? They may be smaller than usual however? Have they grown any at all since herbicide?


Most had 2 true leaves. The dang weeds came in so fast this year so I rolled the dice. I know I won’t make the prettiest flowers as in the past. I also used the surfactant and AMS mixture. Some may be trying to come out of it. I am going to replant a few rows as I have about 10 acres. We honestly haven’t had much sunlight since the spray. Always either feast or famine. I appreciate your input. I’ll let ya know what comes of them.
Most had 2 true leaves. The dang weeds came in so fast this year so I rolled the dice. I know I won’t make the prettiest flowers as in the past. I also used the surfactant and AMS mixture. Some may be trying to come out of it. I am going to replant a few rows as I have about 10 acres. We honestly haven’t had much sunlight since the spray. Always either feast or famine. I appreciate your input. I’ll let ya know what comes of them.
I planted 3 rounds about 10 days apart. To stagger maturity dates. Planted also with gaps between blocks to allow bare ground area and tractor access. I’m having additional issue of the bad weed flush you mentioned popping up after I sprayed but during the 10 days without rain. You think the cadre will soak in and be absorbed by roots and kill the smaller weeds after the fact? Mainly coffee weeds ……


I planted 3 rounds about 10 days apart. To stagger maturity dates. Planted also with gaps between blocks to allow bare ground area and tractor access. I’m having additional issue of the bad weed flush you mentioned popping up after I sprayed but during the 10 days without rain. You think the cadre will soak in and be absorbed by roots and kill the smaller weeds after the fact? Mainly coffee weeds ……
Coffee weeds are tough. That cadre is no joke once it hits the optimum level in the soil. Hopefully some residual will remain to help.


Senior Member
My pre emergent definition: I had harrowed in the winter. In late April the field was lightly cover with small grass and nutsedge. I sprayed 4oz of Cadre per acre. My little sprayer will cover about an acre with 20 gallons of water. Waited 2 weeks to plant at which time vegetation was mostly dead.

Do you have a pto type sprayer? I have a 40 gal Fimco from TSC that hooks up to the battery with the fold out boom. Was not sure if this type of sprayer would work? I see a lot of people talking about calibrating their sprayer, but most of the times it seems they have the nicer pto type sprayers.


The longer you can wait to spray cadre the better, but once sicklepods get above 4 inches they are harder to control.

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