creel limit and catch and release ponds?


Senior Member
Cobb county has stated their ponds are catch and release and they have established a creel limit at the same ponds.

This doesn't make sense to me. Does anyone else understand this? I thought a creel limit was how many fish you can keep. But catch and release means that you have to release them all.


Senior Member
Link to a doc with the regs in question?


Senior Member
I'm having trouble finding and explanation online. This is a picture of a sign.
Bottom of a sign shows a creel limit.




Senior Member
Looks like the C&R part of the sign might be interchangeable, or maybe was stuck over an older version? Just spit balling.

across the river

Senior Member
I know nothing about this pond specifically, but if you have a private pond containing stocked fish, then the fish are domestic animals. You can set whatever limits you want in a private pond full of domestic fish because they aren’t considered wildlife.


Senior Member
Just gov't doing gov't stuff

Yep, sign entering Flat Creek PFA say's being out there after dark, you must be fishing or camping. I called the local DNR office to ask what area was OK to park a camper. They told me no camping allowed at Flat Creek.

They also got signs "bass limit 15 in." when I assume they mean minimum 15?
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Senior Member
I believe, and this is just a guess... that the "catch and release" part of the sign may be a suggestion. It's hard these days not to be bombarded with that phrase. Over the last 40 years we've been pretty much brainwashed into it at least with regard to the more popular species. Every now and then I catch and cook, just to remind myself that 1. fish are food, not friends and 2. they're delicious if you know how to cook them. I don't, so mine suck, but then I think about my favorite seafood place that does fish right and ... wait... what was the question again?