Destroying speculations


Senior Member
Legalism, aka the flesh, fights tooth and nail about the truth of the gospel that sets us prisoners TRULY free. We may not agree that God has "made it so" but our doubt doesn't change the reality of the resurrection's victory for the believer. enjoy this fresh look at your own freedom in Christ. It comes with humble pie that there isn't a single thing your striving can do to change or add to it.
With thanks to Larry Eiss, this is good eats today for many worn out pilgrims of grace ....
- Walt

Have you struggled with an area of sinful activity that you just couldn't conquer?
What if you didn't need to conquer it?

What if the change that Jesus made in you were so profound that you were already free from it?
Here's some good news. That is exactly what He did.

You are not a slave to that behavior any longer. You are free from it. You are dead to it.
The idea that you cannot conquer it, and even that you need to conquer it, is a lie. Don't believe it. Believe the truth that you've been set free.

Galatians 5:16-18 is very helpful. It tells us that if we walk (live) by the Spirit of God within us we won't gratify the flesh.

The flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit wars against the flesh.
This is because the flesh, the worldly way of living and handling what life throws at us, wants what is contrary to the spirit.
It wants us to base our actions and reactions on our senses. It presses us to trust in ourselves rather than in what God has said. It says that faith is a silly idea, when God says that faith is all that matters.
This conflict causes you to do things you don't really want to do and to refrain from things you really do want.

But the Spirit of God lives in you and so you are led by Him. Since you are led by Him, you are not under laws, rules, and ordinances.

The law of the Spirit, of life in Christ Jesus, has set you free from that.
You already have the victory. Jesus won it and gave you the trophy.
Remember who you are, and be your true self.

Grace and peace to you.
--Larry Eiss


Senior Member
Don't shoot the messenger, but there was another "renewal" post over on FB that I think fits here. Maybe you'll appreciate the lift ... without the "yeah but ya gotta" additions LOL ...

We have been taught a bad teaching that repentance revolves around changing bad behavior into good behavior. This is one of the best tricks of our enemy. When believers believe this false teaching it will place their whole focus on changing behavior and not on trusting Jesus Christ.

Genuine repentance is simply to change and align our way of thinking with The finished work of Christ. That is why the apostle Paul tells us in Romans that we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Rom 12:1-2. emphasis mine)

If we believe in Christ and If we trust Him, there is nothing more we need to do. There’s nothing more we can do anyway because He has already done it all. Repentance is nothing more than changing our minds about Him and what He has already done to deal with sin. Repentance is about changing our thinking and turning from a self righteous righteousness to a Christ righteous righteousness.

True repentance is simply believing in and trusting Jesus Christ (grace).

Be at peace and rest today knowing that it is Christ that is our absolute and complete Salvation and Savior!


- From JimBob Custer

““For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
‭‭John‬ ‭3:16-18‬ ‭NASB‬‬