Did you know that OT required giving/tithing was 20-30% annually, not including offerings?


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
Heard this today on AFA network and did a little investigating. Turns out it's true.


I hear folks balk at 10%. The OT Jews gave 20% annually, 30% every third year and this doesn't even include offerings. Personally it's an annoyance to me that I can't tithe to God more than the amount the Government takes out of my check. I abhor the fact that the Government gets more than God, but I'm working on it and increasing it every chance it get. It's my PERSONAL goal to one day not have this be the case.

Save all the tired rhetoric. I didn't start the thread to debate whether tithes are required under the New Covenant. I will just say the Lord loves a cheerful giver and leave it at that. I'm living proof of that. He has blessed me infinitely beyond what I deserve. What you decide I don't have to answer for.
I personally wish I could give every cent I made. Just thought some would find it interesting.