Fishing report Brunswick 8/28/10


Senior Member
Me and little man Dan headed out early this morning and started off throwin the net for some cork candy. Perfect size finger mullet and medium to large red legs on the first three throws. Floated the mullet first and Dan caught four trout real quick-two shorts and two barely legals. Headed out towards the sound where we found out the wind was not our friend. Dan immediately hooked up with a three foot bonnet head. We flounder fished for about 20 minutes, before the storm ran us back to the hill at 10. Ended up with three flounder, two of them were short. Water still had decent clarity, but these showers and noreasters are probably gonna cloud it up a little.






Capt. TJ Cheek

Senior Member
Nice work once again! This weather bites!

That little fella seems to know how to handle himself out there. That's gotta make you proud!


i can almost see my house in the back ground. ease out to the jetty on sea island. seen one of the island natives headed out with his skiff on Wednesday. he always goes to the jetty. he doesnt go unless the big ones are bitten. i cant go because i am slammed at work, for now. take care.

Robert 31320

Senior Member
2 thumbs up!