Grass around small Leyland Cypress


Senior Member
Anyone got any experience with spraying around leylands so their easier to mow around? I’ve got a a line of them down a property line and have been mowing as close as I can but takes a while.


Staff member
Roundup would be fine as long as you don't spray it onto the Leylands themselves. Put some mulch around them after you spray them.


Senior Member
If they were bigger I’d hit them with some roundup but their only bout 2 ft tall and don’t want to take a chance on killing them. I was wondering if there was a grass killer that would be safe on them like what’s sprayed on clover or gardens


Staff member
If they were bigger I’d hit them with some roundup but their only bout 2 ft tall and don’t want to take a chance on killing them. I was wondering if there was a grass killer that would be safe on them like what’s sprayed on clover or gardens
There isn't anything you can spray on them directly that I know of that is going to give you complete control of the grass. Some products say they will, but they won't. And there's no need to to begin with. Weedeat the grass down around them, and then carefully spray with roundup around them. I do that kind of stuff all the time. It's not that hard. Tape a cut-off Coke bottle around the nozzle if you need to to keep from spraying the plants and keep it on the grass. Pull some grass from around them if you need to. Then mulch them. They will thank you.


TCU Go Frawgs !
Just mow them down.

Replace them with cryptomeria and then mulch around the cryptomeria.

If you want to actually keep the LC for some reason, mulch around them.