Green Snake


Gone But Not Forgotten
The last one of those I relocated had an attitude. I had never seen a green snake strike before.


Senior Member
This one was so calm I thought she had dropped the flower pot back down on his head. He didnt even try to get away.


Staff member
Those are cool little critters. It's been many years since I've seen one. Good shots!


Senior Member
Cool little fellow! Thanks for sharing!


Staff member
You are a hero. Nice shots.


Senior Member
The last time I saw a green snake was when we were living in SC many years ago now. Once they were pretty common but it seems now they have declined like many other creatures over the years.

Anvil Head

Senior Member
People are so funny sometimes. There was one in my bushes next to the road getting a little morning warm-up, when a neighbor couple spotted it. Of course the lady screamed as she and hubby backed away. He was calling animal control and looking for something to smack it with when I came running around the corner of the house.
I told them to back up that it was one of those rare deadly spring tail tree vipers (green are the most dangerous, ya know). Then I reached over picked her up and put in my shirt pocket. The lady was getting swoony and husband not far behind as they backed up when it popped it's head out and headed toward my neck. Told them to run, I'd take the hit for the neighborhood. Not seen them pass my yard in a long while - gotta have fun where you can when you live this close to Atlanta. (Hind thought, just glad neither had a gun!)