I'ma be a mess

Core Lokt

Senior Member
I may have already posted this, not sure.

My oldest girl is getting married Oct 17th. She came by today to get her mama to go get her dress after being altered. I'd post a pic but I'm not sure if any of my future SIL's friends are on here and I don't want him to see her in it before that day. She read me and her mama a note that she will read to him that day. I had to turn around half way through it and grab a paper towel and wipe my eyes. I'm a strong minded man but I'm not sure how I'll be that day. Dang wimp.....

Side note, this occasion caused me to purchase my first and only suit and tie LOL....


Cap`n Jack 1313
I may have already posted this, not sure.

My oldest girl is getting married Oct 17th. She came by today to get her mama to go get her dress after being altered. I'd post a pic but I'm not sure if any of my future SIL's friends are on here and I don't want him to see her in it before that day. She read me and her mama a note that she will read to him that day. I had to turn around half way through it and grab a paper towel and wipe my eyes. I'm a strong minded man but I'm not sure how I'll be that day. Dang wimp.....

Side note, this occasion caused me to purchase my first and only suit and tie LOL....
LOTS of pink grapefruit juice... LOTS!


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
Core lokt, I feel for you. I'll be in the same boat when it's my turn in the barrell.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Congrats Core, something tells me you don’t have a lot to worry about...my best wishes for their future.


Senior Member
I guess one way to look at it is if I didn't shed a tear that would mean I didn't give a squat....
If you didn't get a bit emotional about one of your baby girls getting married, what would you get emotional about. I get choked up when I catch a DD bass, I couldn't imagine if I had a daughter. Congratulations. I'm sure it'll be a wonderful day even with your leaking eyes.


Staff member
Just a new chapter opening! I'm sure you will be blessed, so let your feelings flow! Congrats to your family!


Senior Member
Hey, you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son (in-law). My son-in-law doesn't hunt but he likes to fly fish and he's good at it. Love the guy.


It’s hard to let em go. When our youngest was little and I came in from hunting, I always brought her something, a persimmon or an acorn. Well she got married outdoors in October and there were some water oaks around dropping acorns. I picked one up and handed it to her just as we started walking don the aisle. Yeah that was tough on both of us. Bright side is I’ve got a grandson to start bringing stuff to.


Management Material
Just means you’re probably a decent human being. Add the fact in that you cry over that means you care about your children. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.


Senior Member
Two daughters also, I can fully understand the emotions.

But at least they didn't pick Nov 17th like we did 36 years ago. Right in the peak of the rut, which I did not know that much about deer hunting at the time. Else I would have objected strongly.