In regards of the Lord's servants.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Quote: But, I am just beginning. Though I believe the above to be true. end quote.

I do regret that I'm assessed as to make Strawmen as I have no douth I make them. I have no purpose to make them, but understand that my misunderstanding and interpretation do in fact make them. Again I regret this and know that you are not the first one to point out that I have this tendency when questioning someone on their statements. Perhaps I have done this all along or perhaps my mind is a senior citizen's mind that is simply compromised by the failings of my body and brain. This is very possible.

Nevertheless, can you expand on "reason of use" as you see it concerning judgements of good and evil. I will not add sub questions now for fear of misunderstand before I am curtain I understand to the best of my abilities what exactly you have gleaned so important regards "reason and use" that you could continue.

To be honest I don't understand the concept sufficiently so far and am not certain that I can, but I'll give it a second shot if you can please proceed from your beginning. The question of good and evil was not resolved especially in the 20th century, so I'm really in joy that it was under our noses all along... if indeed this is the case. Regardless I would be interested to explore " reason of use".


Senior Member
Matthew 25:8-9 And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, not so, lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell
Why didn't the wise one's share their oil with the foolish ones so that they could receive salvation too?
Maybe it was a type of oil that one could not share!