Matt. 5:31, 32; 19:3-9; Lk. 16:18 On Divorce And Remarriage

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
I wonder which messengers you mean as "only focused on sin and judgement and not mercy and forgiveness"? Consider our dear brother Banjo Picker. Is not his very avatar, displayed next to every one of his posts, a reminder of Jesus dying on the cross to extend mercy and forgiveness? Perusing a number of his posts demonstrated a balanced Biblical message. Sure, one can always zoom in on a small subset of one's message and find more focus on sin in a selected text. But one can do this just as easily with Jesus' words or those of any Bible author. We can also all read what the Bible has to say about mercy and forgiveness.

I give a lot of thought to balance in my own ministry efforts- both how my own message is balanced as well as how well balanced a given audience is hearing. If it's been over a year since a given audience has heard about an important Bible topic, I begin to sense a need to speak on that topic. What are the odds many here have gone over a year without hearing about God's mercy and forgiveness? What are the odds most here have gone over a year without hearing what Jesus teaches on divorce? Having made over 1000 videos without discussing divorce, I thought it was time. I've asked my advisers to peruse my YouTube channel to suggest topics I'm leaving out, and you're welcome to do that as well.

Over the past couple years, I've begin using the intro and outro music to ensure no one goes very long without hearing of the redeeming work of Jesus (mercy and forgiveness) in my videos. Consider the video below - the main topic comes from the Ten Commandments, recalling that "the Law is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ." But the intro song emphasizes that there is room at the cross for all who have sinned, and the outro song emphasizes that all sinners can be raised with Jesus from the dead.
I'm not calling on any one messenger on the forum, but I speak in general to any messenger on the forum or in the world. Since I've also not watched all of your videos, or even a majority of them, please take my words as only my opinion and not a criticism of you or your ministry. If I say something that you feel can improve your ministry, that's great. If I say something that doesn't apply to your ministry or something you're already addressing, then please disregard it.

Having been raised in the church and having spent years both active and inactive in several churches, I would only point out that symbolism may be effective for people like me, but ineffective for those not raised in the church or just beginning their exploration of a relationship with Christ. Since this is more of a word based forum, I would find words and explanations more effective than symbols. Maybe both would be most effective? Everyone is different so mileage may vary on that.

As I've grown older, I've grown frustrated with some teachers over the partiality of the message, especially those I see on TV and hear on radio. For example, let's say I'm teaching a lesson on the sin of gluttony. I can show you a list of verses in the Bible as long as my arm that says gluttony is a sin. If I left it at that, that would only be maybe 1/3 of the lesson. If I was to go further and explain that forgiveness is available and how to accept that forgiveness, that's a lot better but still not a full lesson. Finally, if I directed someone to a ministry that helped overweight people (like myself) spiritually, mentally, and physically with the sin they're struggling with, that's a full lesson. And, I might add there might even more lessons related to gluttony that I haven't even thought of. Other eating disorders maybe?
Anyway, that's all I'm trying to say about avoiding partiality and giving a full message. And again, this is not a criticism of you or your ministry, just an observation I've made over the years.

tell sackett

Senior Member
I don't either. It was detestable to God when his people made their children "pass through the fire" like the pagan nations around them

We must remember the perfect balance of God’s nature. Yes, absolutely God is love. God is also just and holy.
Yes, it was detestable to God when children were sacrificed to false gods. It is still detestable to him today whether it happens on a pagan altar or in a clinic.

brutally honest

Senior Member
Personally I find it hard to believe that God who "is love" would punish people in fiery torment no more than a loving parent would hold a child's hand to a burning stove as punishment

“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

— Jesus Christ

brutally honest

Senior Member
I'm not calling on any one messenger on the forum, but I speak in general to any messenger on the forum or in the world. Since I've also not watched all of your videos, or even a majority of them, please take my words as only my opinion and not a criticism of you or your ministry. If I say something that you feel can improve your ministry, that's great. If I say something that doesn't apply to your ministry or something you're already addressing, then please disregard it.

Having been raised in the church and having spent years both active and inactive in several churches, I would only point out that symbolism may be effective for people like me, but ineffective for those not raised in the church or just beginning their exploration of a relationship with Christ. Since this is more of a word based forum, I would find words and explanations more effective than symbols. Maybe both would be most effective? Everyone is different so mileage may vary on that.

As I've grown older, I've grown frustrated with some teachers over the partiality of the message, especially those I see on TV and hear on radio. For example, let's say I'm teaching a lesson on the sin of gluttony. I can show you a list of verses in the Bible as long as my arm that says gluttony is a sin. If I left it at that, that would only be maybe 1/3 of the lesson. If I was to go further and explain that forgiveness is available and how to accept that forgiveness, that's a lot better but still not a full lesson. Finally, if I directed someone to a ministry that helped overweight people (like myself) spiritually, mentally, and physically with the sin they're struggling with, that's a full lesson. And, I might add there might even more lessons related to gluttony that I haven't even thought of. Other eating disorders maybe?
Anyway, that's all I'm trying to say about avoiding partiality and giving a full message. And again, this is not a criticism of you or your ministry, just an observation I've made over the years.

FWIW: I don’t think our obesity/diabetes epidemic is due to what the Bible calls “gluttony”.


Senior Member
Yes I agree. I believe that those will be judged for their deeds and those who are judged by God to be wicked will be punished by death with no hope of resurrection.
Not an everlasting torment


Senior Member
“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

— Jesus Christ

True but I believe fire can have different symbolic meanings meanings in the Bible such as refining


Senior Member
@brutally honest I'm not trying to be dogmatic here. I just think that the wicked will be punished with death. That's just my imperfect take on the scriptures. I've got to get back to work. One day soon we will find out the true fulfillment of the Word and we will be judged by one who is perfect in justice, love, and wisdom and knows better than any one of us. I'm no expert on God's Word by any means. Have a nice day and a great weekend!

tell sackett

Senior Member
We all, short of the Lord’s return, will experience death.
The balance of God; if there is eternal life will there not be eternal death?