Merit Badge or Pay Roll?


Senior Member
Ever notice how the younger squirrels just kind of scurry around in the leaves, making lots of noise, but the older, wiser squirrels hop around with a rhythm? You know, the rhythm that sounds like a deer walking through the leaves?

Do the older ones earn some type of woodland merit badge, or are they on the deer's pay roll as a decoy?

The Snakeman


Senior Member
I'm with you Snakeman.They can hop the heaviest to be so little and light.Sound just like a deer walking too!I don't know about the merit badge or the payroll,but if they aren't on the take they should be.They have fooled me many times. :yeah:


GONetwork Member
And the one time you don't look because you know it's a squirrel behind you, guess what it really is. :banginghe


? Are you sure?

Is it the squirrels sounding like deer, or the deer sounding like squirrels?
