Mystical Babylon Rev. 17:1-18


Senior Member
Babylon is the only city named which is to be judged in the last days for martyrdoms (Rev. 18:24). Since both mystery and literal Babylon martyr the saints there must be some relationship. If two different cities as far from each other as Rome and Babylon were to be guilty of the same things after the rapture, then two places would be referred to and not one only as in Rev. 18:24.

The 16 points of contrast, 7 points of similarity and 31 facts about Babylon in Rev. 16-18 are in harmony with the idea that the one Babylon, a literal city is the headquarters of the other, mystery Babylon, a religious system.


Senior Member
Antichrist will be the king of Syria with Babylon as his capital (Isa. 14:4). This will fulfill Dan. 8:8, 9, 20-25; 11:35-45. The great who-re will ride the beast (Antichrist's Kingdom) in his rise to power over the 10 kingdoms (Rev. 17:3, 7). It should be recognized then, that she symbolizes a religion in his capital even before he gets power over the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome (Rev. 17:12-17).

What religion is symbolized by the great who-re with headquarters at Babylon? Could Apostate Christendom have headquarters in Babylon? That is possible, but not probable due to the fact that the religion predicted in Rev. 17 is antichristian. Could it be Mohammedanism, the religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire territory? It could be as there about 416,600,000 Moslems compared to 480,000,000 Roman Catholics in the world. Moslems control the northern part of Africa, including Egypt, all of Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Irak, Iran, Turkey and other parts of the Old Roman Empire territory. Catholicism is the prevailing religion in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and some other parts of the old Roman Empire Territory. Between the two religions most of the old Rome Empire territory is covered religiously, but this does not prove a thing regarding mystery Babylon of Rev. 17.

Babylon's could be a new religion entirely, or a revival of ancient sorcery, witchcraft, enchantments, and astrology which characterized the ancient city. It is clear that such will be the prevailing religion of the whole Roman Empire territory in the last days as prove.


Senior Member
Jesus predicted many false prophets who would show great signs and wonders to deceive men just prior to His coming to earth again (Mt. 24:24). Paul predicted the coming of the Antichrist with all power, signs and lying wonders by the power of Satan (2 Thess. 2:8-12; Rev. 13:1-18; 19:20). All nations will be deceived by the sorceries and manifestations of demon powers concentrated in future literal Babylon (Rev. 9:20; 14:8; 16:13-16, 19; 18:23; Isa. 47:9, 10, 12, 13).


Senior Member
If Antichrist can start a religion and martyr millions during the last 3 and one-half years, then it stands to reason that mystery Babylon as a revival of ancient magism backed by concentration of demon powers dominating the nations of the Old Roman Empire territory from Babylon could martyr many saints of Jesus during the first 3 and one-half years of Daniels 70Th week and until Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome (Rev. 17:1, 2, 5, 6, 12-17). As to Catholicism and Mohammedanism, both these religions would have to change completely to fulfill prophecies of these events. Neither religion is antic-God.

brutally honest

Senior Member
If Antichrist can start a religion and martyr millions during the last 3 and one-half years, then it stands to reason that mystery Babylon as a revival of ancient magism backed by concentration of demon powers dominating the nations of the Old Roman Empire territory from Babylon could martyr many saints of Jesus during the first 3 and one-half years of Daniels 70Th week and until Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome.

My 8th grade English teacher: “That sentence should be taken out and shot.”


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If you want a definition of “The natural mind cannot understand the things of the Spirit”, well you have it now!


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If you want a definition of “The natural mind cannot understand the things of the Spirit”, well you have it now!
And you cannot change the truth of God’s word and if you were led by the Holy Ghost you would know that this whole thread is the truth for it is God’s Scripture’s and He means what He says.
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Senior Member
One thing seems certain---mystery and literal Babylon are two aspects of the same city and power that will fulfill prophecy in the last days after the rapture of the church. Mystery Babylon is a religious system with headquarters in literal Babylon and will fulfill Rev. 17 until Antichrist comes to full power over the ten kingdoms of Revised Rome in the middle of Daniel's 70th week Rev. 17:12-17. Then Antichrist who will be king of Babylon Isa. 14:4 and the Assyrian Isa. 10:20-27; 30:18-33; 31:4-32:20; Mic. 5:3-15, will destroy this religious system and start his own worship the last three and one-half years of this age Rev. 13:1-18; 14:8-11; 15:2-4; 16:2, 6; 17:12-17; 20:4-6.


Senior Member
One thing must be kept in mind, all of those events will take place after the rapture of the church, so mystery Babylon need not be some religion now prominent inside the Roman Empire territory any more than the religion Antichrist will start must be some prominent religion now in existence. Religions can begin in one day and so it will be easy for two religions (Antichrist's and Babylon's) both to start and martyr millions between the rapture and the second coming of Jesus Christ.


Senior Member
Babylon will be overthrown as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa. 13:19; Jer. 50:40). This prophecy has never been fulfilled by judgment from God in "one hour" (Rev. 18).
Babylon will never be inhabited after its final overthrow (Isa. 13:20; Jer. 50:39, 40; 51:29, 37, 43).
The final overthrow must be followed immediately by blessings on Israel (Isa. 13:6-17; 14:1-7; Jer. 50:4-7, 17-20, 33-35; Rev. 18-20).
The stones of ancient Babylon were not to be used for building purposes again (Jer. 51:26). Stones from the present ruins are being used again.
Babylon must be in existence in the future "day of the Lord" (Isa. 13:6-13; Rev. 16:17-21; 18:1-24; 19:1-3).


Senior Member
Babylon must be destroyed under the seventh vial and at the second advent of Christ or in "the day of the Lord" by supernatural destruction (Isa. 13:6-13; Jer. 50:20, 40; 51:8; Rev. 16:17-21; 18:8, 10, 17, 19, 21).
Babylon is to be destroyed at the end of the great tribulation when the planets are affected (Isa. 13:9-13; Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 16:17-21).
Babylon is to be totally desolate and all sinners in it destroyed (Isa. 13:9, 19-22; 5:3, 23, 39, 40; 51:26, 37, 43; Rev. 18:19, 21, 21-24; 19:3). People now visit the ruins of ancient Babylon.
Babylon is to be destroyed at the time the world is punished for its sins at the second advent (Isa. 13:11; Rev. 18:1-24).
Babylon is to be destroyed when Christ comes with the armies of Heaven to fight at Armageddon (Isa. 13:1-5, 11-13; 14:5, 25-27; Rev. 16:17-21; 18:8; 19:1-3, 11, 12).


Senior Member
The site of Babylon is to be one of the openings of He11 on Earth where men will see the wicked in an everlasting burning He11. Thus Babylon, the site of the first and last great apostasy against God, will be and everlasting monument of God's wrath, as well also all rebels of all ages who go to He11 (Isa. 14:9-17; 66:22-24; Rev. 19:3).
Babylon is to be destroyed in the day of Israel's final restoration and blessing at the second advent (Isa. 13:12; 14:1-8; Jer. 50:4-7, 19; 51:50, 51; Rev. 11:25-29).
Israel is to rule over her oppressors in the day of Babylon's final destruction (Isa.14:1-4; Rev. 16:17-21; 18:1-24; Zech>14).
The generations of Israel who enter into the Millennium will sing a triumphant song over the Antichrist, the future king of Babylon, who will have persecuted them (Isa. 14:3-27).
Babylon is to be "suddenly" and in "one hour" destroyed (Isa. 13:19 Jer. 50:40; 51:1; Rev. 18:8, 10, 17, 19). This has never been fulfilled for ancient Babylon fell into ruins gradually.
Babylon is to be a world commercial center after the rapture of the church. Rev. 4:22 will be fulfilled after the churches. Zech. 5:5-11 predicts the rebuilding of such a center of commerce in the land of Shinar. There are 28 articles of commerce mentioned in Rev. 18, proving it to be a literal city.
Babylon must again be a world political center (Rev. 18:3, 9, 10).
Babylon must again be a world religious center (Rev. 18:2-10).
Babylon's latter-day sorceries will deceive the world (Rev. 18:23; Thess. 2:9-15).


Senior Member
Orders for the martyrdom of saints during the great tribulation will be decreed from this city Rev. 18:24.
Babylon must be burned with fire Rev. 18:8-10, 18; 19:3.
Babylon must be destroyed by an earthquake Rev. 16:17-21.
Babylon must be thrown down with violence Rev. 18:21.
Babylon must never be found after her destruction Rev. 18:21.
Babylon must sink into the Earth Jer. 51:62-64; Rev. 18:21.
Babylon must be destroyed by God, not by man Rev. 18:20 and it must be followed by the Millennial reign of Christ Rev. 19-20.
None of these Scriptures have been fulfilled, so they must refer to the future destruction. Babylon will still a city in New Testament times for Peter refers to a church at Babylon (1 Pet. 5:13) and the Babylonian Talmud of the Jews was produced there about 500 years after Christ. Since then, Babylon has more or less been deserted and has gone into decay, but it has never been destroyed suddenly by God, as has been prophesied in the above Scriptures.